Q0 Quantity of Pre-loads
Can my team pre-load both a SPECIMEN and a SAMPLE during pre-MATCH setup?
No. Section 10.3.1 states that teams may pre-load either 1 SPECIMEN or 1 SAMPLE.
Asked by
answered Sep 16th 24
Q1 Human Players in AUTO
Can the HUMAN PLAYER introduce SCORING ELEMENTS into the FIELD during both AUTO and TELEOP?
Yes. Rule !G431 does not stipulate a period of the MATCH when HUMAN PLAYERS can interact with elements, therefore HUMAN PLAYERS can manipulate SCORING ELEMENTS in both AUTO and TELEOP.
Asked by
answered Sep 18th 24
Q2 Is there a limit on the number of clips a robot can carry?
While rule G410 limits robots to carrying one sample or specimen at a time, there are no limits stated on clips. Can we take this to mean a robot can carry an unlimited number of clips? This may come up if a human player inadvertently drops a clip onto the field.
Yes, ROBOTS can carry an unlimited number of CLIPS per rule !G410.
Please see [Team Update 01](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
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answered Sep 23rd 24
Q3 Can human players place isolated clips into the observation zone?
Rule G431 states only a human player may introduce/retrieve scoring elements from the observation zone. Scoring elements are defined as samples and specimens in the definition section. There is no mention of whether human players can place isolated clips (i.e. not as part of a specimen) onto the field, whether into the observation area or elsewhere. Can you provide clarification?
Section 9.7.2 as well as the Glossary define the CLIP as a SCORING ELEMENT. In addition, rule !G431gives HUMAN PLAYERS the ability to introduce SCORING ELEMENTS, which includes the CLIP.
Please see [Team Update 01](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that doesn't answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit
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answered Sep 24th 24
Q4 Is a robot allowed to attach a clip to a sample to create a specimen?
There do not appear to be any rules that prohibit a robot from creating a specimen, or that specify that only a human player is allowed to create a specimen. Can we take this to mean a robot is allowed to create a specimen by combining a sample and clip?
Yes, either the HUMAN PLAYER or a ROBOT can assemble a SAMPLE and a CLIP to create a SPECIMEN.
Please see [Team Update 01](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that doesn't answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
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answered Sep 24th 24
Q5 Pinning: Tilting vs Tipping
Rule G423 states the maximum duration of PINS is 5 seconds, implying that pinning is allowed. The glossary defines PIN/PINNING to include (c) Controlling an opponent's movements by raising or tilting the opponent's ROBOT off the TILES. However, rule G422 prohibits tipping. Could you clarify the definitions of tilting vs. tipping--is the latter supposed to refer to the robot completely going over on its side?
Rule !G423 is not intended to allow PINNING, rather it is a warning that if a ROBOT is PINNING an opposing ALLIANCE ROBOT, they must correct the situation within 5 seconds before receiving a FOUL.
Tilting a ROBOT off its CHASSIS in a way such that the ROBOT cannot move in any direction is considered PINNING. The affected ROBOT is able to drive again once the offending ROBOT backs away.
Tipping a ROBOT means to cause the ROBOT to fall over, as described in the orange box in rule !G422.
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answered Sep 23rd 24
Q6 What's the score and penalty if a robot scores opponent color sample into own high bucket
If a robot intakes opponent color sample, score it to own high bucket within 5 seconds in tele-op, does it get 8 points score and 5 points penalty?
10.5.1 "A SAMPLE of any color will score in any BASKET or NET ZONE, but beware of violating G407 and G411."
G411 says such robot will get minor penalty for intaking , and additional minor penalty for each 5-seconds. Want to make sure it will not add additional penalty by G407.
Scoring an opponents SAMPLE will result in a MAJOR FOUL per rule !G411.
Please see [Team Update 01](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
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answered Sep 24th 24
Q7 Any penalty if spitted out the opposing sample quickly towards own robot direction
When intaking samples using an extended intake, if robot intakes opposing sample and detect the wrong color, so spit it out quickly (<3 seconds) towards the direction from intake to own robot, will that get any penalty? The sample will be dropped on the ground.
Want to confirm it won't be considered as "amplify a challenge" for opponent alliance to get penalty.
Based on what is described, it does not appear there would be a FOUL per !G411. However, it is difficult to rule on hypothetical situations, and actions that happen prior to or after this action as observed by the REFEREES could result in a FOUL.
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answered Sep 23rd 24
Q8 Can we use mechanical alignment on chambers?
G416 limits interactions with the arena.
Would a v-guide which makes two points of contact with but does not fully enclose a chamber be in violation of this rule?
Although the COMPONENT as described doesn't sound like it will violate !G416, we cannot rule solely on a description of the COMPONENT. What is done with the COMPONENT during the MATCH is what REFEREES will be watching, and actions during a MATCH could potentially have FOULS.
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answered Sep 23rd 24
Q9 Contact with HIGH RUNG
If a ROBOT contacts the HIGH RUNG without following ASCENT criteria in section 10.5.3, are they ineligible for ASCENT points for the remainder of the MATCH?
No. Per section 10.5.3, ROBOTS not meeting ASCENT criteria may disengage from the SUBMERSIBLE and attempt the ASCENT again as many times as they are able during the MATCH.
Please see [Team Update 01](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that doesn't answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
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answered Sep 24th 24
Q10 G406 Option other than pushing stop on the driver station at end of match
In G406, it states ROBOTS are motionless at the end of TELEOP. This can be accomplished in 1 of 2 ways. 1. Pressing the stop button on driver station app. 2. Discontinuing any operation of the ROBOT. Does the 2nd option mean putting down the controllers so they are no longer used even though the OpMode is still running?
Yes, that's a correct interpretation of G406.
Asked by
answered Sep 18th 24
Q11 Can the human player use an alignment tool for specimens?
Q1. Can a human player use an alignment tool, for example, a stick of a certain length, or a tape measure to position specimens at an exact position on the wall of the observation zone? Q2. Alternatively, can the human player bring a visual marker (cube, pen, stick, etc) and leave it on the ground outside the arena during the match if they do not interact with it during the match?
A1. Rule !G434 prohibits the HUMAN PLAYER from using tools to manipulate SCORING ELEMENTS.
A2. This would be allowed as long as it does not violate !G302.
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q12 Ascent minor element legality
Would linear slides extending into the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE for the sake of an ascent be considered a minor element as outlined in 10.5.3
The answer to this question was edited on 10/17/2024
Section 10.5.3, part B, states that ROBOTS must start their ASCENT with their CHASSIS outside the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE. The orange box then clarifies that elements may be used to contact the rung.
Please see [Team Update 03](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
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answered Sep 23rd 24
Q13 Horizontal extension limits
Example K of R104, states that “ROBOTS with mechanisms capable of linear extension should ensure motion is restricted to remain inside the boundary defined during inspection at all times during MATCH play.” If the maximum mechanical extension exceeds the 42 inch horizontal extension limit, like in example E, and if during inspection it can be proven that the horizontal extension has been programmatically limited so that one side of extension will not extend while the other is, would it be legal?
No. The horizontal size boundary described in !R104 part B is evaluated with the maximum extent of all MECHANISMS reached at the same time, not a subset of MECHANISMS in some snapshot in time, as per !R104 part D.
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q14 What time is exactly ASCENT scored?
Q1: What time is ASCENT scored in practice?
Q2: Is it exactly at the end of the buzzer sound, which is 3 seconds after the game timer ends?
Q3: If the robot ASCENDS at the 3 second mark, but drops at 4 seconds, does it still get the ASCENT score?
Q4: Or as long as the robot is ASCENDED at any time in that 3 seconds does it get the score? Last year hanging was scored as long as the robot hanged in any of those 3 seconds.
A1: Per section 10.5, the assessment of ASCENT points is made at two possible points in time: 1) 3 seconds after the ARENA timer reaches the end of the MATCH, or 2) when all ROBOTS have come to rest following the conclusion of the MATCH whichever happens first.
A2: The buzzer sound is provided as a courtesy alert that 3 seconds have elapsed after the end of the MATCH. Since not all events provide the section 9.10 Event Management System audio queues, Scoring is determined based on the 3 second elapsed time after the ARENA timer reaches the end of the MATCH per section 10.5. If all ROBOTS have not yet come to rest, the ASCENT status is determined 3 seconds after the ARENA timer reaches the end of the MATCH.
A3: Yes, if ROBOTS are not at rest, the ASCENT is determined at 3 seconds after the ARENA timer reaches the end of the MATCH. The ROBOT'S ASCENT status is not relevant to scoring at 4 seconds after the MATCH ends.
A4: The answer depends on if all ROBOTS are stationary or not. Per section 10.5, ROBOT ASCENT status is determined either at 3 seconds after the ARENA timer reaches the end of the MATCH, or when all ROBOTS have come to rest following the conclusion of the MATCH whichever happens first. For example, if all ROBOTS come to rest 2 seconds after the conclusion of the MATCH, that is the time ROBOT ASCENT status is determined for scoring.
Asked by
answered Sep 23rd 24
Q15 Can you place team number vertically?
Can you place team number vertically, with height is >=6.5", and width is >=2.5"?
There are a couple ways to interpret and answer this question:
A1. Vertically stacking team numbers to create a vertical ROBOT SIGN as demonstrated in the "NOT OK" portion of Figure 12-7 is prohibited by !R403 part C.
A2. Rotating a ROBOT SIGN so that it is no longer horizontal is allowed, assuming no other rules are broken.
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q16 Can robot have wheel on top of barrier when start ASCENDING, and swing into SUBMERSIBLE?
Q1. Can a robot have a wheel on top of the barrier (but not inside SUBMERSIBLE zone), when starting to ascend?
Q2: When ROBOTS start their ASCENDING, is it legal to swing into the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE, while the back wheel is still touching the TILE outside the SUBMERSIBLE zone?
10.5.3. B says :"ROBOTS must start ASCENDING from outside the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE", and SUBMERSIBLE ZONE does not include barrier. It also says:parts of the ROBOT may swing into the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE once start ASCENT.
A1: Yes, the section 10.5.3 (B) ASCENT starting requirement is satisfied in this scenario. The barrier is not in the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE per section 9.2 and the scenario states that the ROBOT wheel is not inside the SUBMERSIBLE.
A2: Yes, if it is clear to the REFEREE that the ROBOT has started pulling itself upwards via the LOW RUNG as it swings into the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE. In this scenario, the section 10.5.3 (B) requirement and the orange box statement that "A ROBOT is considered ASCENDING once it is attempting to achieve an ASCENT LEVEL" are satisfied.
Asked by
answered Sep 23rd 24
Q17 Can Neutral samples be clipped and if so can they be hung from the basket?
It states in the rules that only the alliance sample can turn into a specimen (9.7.3). The rule does not clarify if a clip can be placed on a neutral sample. Q1: Can a clip be placed on a neutral sample? The neutral sample cannot be turned into a specimen so it therefore stays as a sample. Q2: If so does this mean that neutral sample with a clip can be hung from the basket? The neutral sample would be directly supported by the outside edge of the basket which meets the criteria of scoring.
A1: Yes.
A2: Section 10.5.1 states that a neutral SAMPLE with a CLIP attached in the NET ZONE or either the LOW or HIGH BASKETS have no score value.
Please see [Team Update 02](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q18 Human Player holding Specimen by the Clip
This is a clarification for G432. Is the Human Player allowed to hold and move a Specimen by the Clip while a robot is in the Observation Zone as long as they do not break the vertical plane of the field wall? For example, can a Human Player slide a Specimen along to top of the field wall to align it to a robot intake?
Yes. Rule !G432 stipulates that a HUMAN PLAYER cannot break the vertical plane of the FIELD wall, therefore sliding a SPECIMEN on the FIELD wall by the CLIP does not violate this rule. Also note that section 9.1 defines the FIELD as the outside edge of the extruded frame walls.
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answered Oct 3rd 24
Q21 SAMPLE scoring in AUTO and TELEOP
Q1: Do SAMPLES/SPECIMENS scored in AUTO also score in TELEOP if they remain in the scored state at the end of the MATCH? For example, an ALLIANCE ROBOT successfully scores a SAMPLE in their ALLIANCE NET ZONE in AUTO for 2 points. The SAMPLE remains in the NET ZONE at the end of the MATCH period. Q2: Does it score an additional 2 points?
Section "10.5 Scoring" defines that MATCH accomplishments are scored at the end of each period based on the status of the FIELD. A SCORING ELEMENT which meets the scoring criteria at the end of the AUTO period and still meets scoring criteria at the end of the TELEOP period will be counted in both MATCH periods.
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answered Sep 24th 24
Q22 Is climbing on to the barrier considered as "start ASCENDING" ?
We originally thought "start ascending" mean that robot has to grab the LOW RUNG and then start to lift.
However, in official game introduction at 266 (4:26) seconds, front wheel is already on top of SUBMERSIBLE zone, middle wheel climbs onto the barrier, while the arms have not touched the RUNG yet. Do we consider this legal ASCENDING, and not against rule "ROBOTS must start ASCENDING from outside the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE"?
The CrabBot robot in the game animation violates the section 10.5.3 B requirement that ROBOTS must start ASCENDING from outside the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE.
Note: While every effort is made to eliminate inconsistencies in published materials, the Competition Manual supersedes all other sources of game and event related information. For this gameplay topic, the animation doesn't fully comply with the ASCENT requirements because the animation was created before some of the rules and gameplay requirements were finalized.
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answered Sep 23rd 24
Q23 Scoring specimen and touching samples in the submersible zone
In AUTO or TELEOP, if a ROBOT is scoring a SPECIMEN on the HIGH CHAMBER and, at the same time, extends its intake into the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE, touching the SAMPLES without activating the intake, does this violate the CONTROL rule?
We cannot comment on specific hypothetical situations, however CONTROL limits are defined in !G410 and only touching a SAMPLE (not grabbing or moving in a preferred direction) does not seem to meet the definition of CONTROL.
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answered Sep 23rd 24
Q24 Do we have to end the TELEOP at the end of the match?
Q1: Does the team have the end the TELEOP at the end of the MATCH in order to make sure their robot doesn't fall off of the level three ASCENT? Can the team leave the TELEOP running as long as they put down their controllers?
Q2: Additionally, is the ASCENT scored even if occurs during the buzzer, and if so, if a robot is at level one at the beginning of the buzzer and an automated process carries it to the second rung before the end of the buzzer, would it count for level 3 ASCENT?
A1: !G406 specifically allows teams to keep their OpMode running on their ROBOT at the end of TELEOP as long as the DRIVE TEAM discontinues any operation of the ROBOT by the end of the buzzer sound (e.g. put down their controllers).
A2: We believe the answer to !Q14 addresses your question. If it does not, please re-phrase referencing specific rules and ask again.
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q25 Orientation of samples in the submersible zone
The samples in the observation zone are placed randomly, but it is not clear whether the samples are lying on the long side or could also be 'standing' upright, resting on the short end?
SAMPLES in the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE may be upright, resting on their side, etc. SAMPLES will not set up in any pattern or orientation. However, field reset volunteers will do their best to ensure that SAMPLES are spread out evenly within the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE to ensure that all ROBOTS have equal access to SAMPLES, regardless of where they are collecting from the SUBMERSIBLE.
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q26 Fonts for robot signs
In R403 there are no rules about the font of the number. What are the limitations of the font e.g. the stroke width and do they have to be continuous strokes for the numbers? Is the font Minecraftia allowed?
!R403 was written liberally to allow some creativity for teams in representing their team numbers. There are no rules regarding font stroke width or the specific font to be used, but teams MUST ensure that the team number is easily readable by REFEREES and other FIELD STAFF from at least 12 feet away (per !R401).
Asked by
answered Sep 19th 24
Q27 Is the Adafruit Neodriver legal?
Last year, the adafruit neodriver to control LEDs was legal to use. Is that the same this year?
There are no rules that specifically prohibit the use of the Adafruit NeoDriver in FIRST Tech Challenge. However, be sure not to violate !R203 (especially part I), !R615, !R619, and any other related usage rules.
Asked by
answered Sep 19th 24
Q28 Is the NavX micro IMU legal?
Just clarifying, is the the NavX micro IMU still legal?
There are no rules that specifically prohibit the use of Studica NavX series IMUs in FIRST Tech Challenge. However, be sure not to violate !R714, !R702, !R615, and any other related usage rules.
Asked by
answered Sep 19th 24
Q29 Can you drive in the submersible zone?
I haven't seen a rule banning the robot from driving in the submersible zone. So is it legal to? If so, what would constitute as blocking in the submersible?
There is no specific rule which directly prevents ROBOTS from entering the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE, however !G410, !G411, and !G424 must be considered and could be violated by this action.
Additionally !G404 provides additional protections during AUTO to half of the FIELD including within the SUBMERSIBLE.
Asked by
answered Sep 23rd 24
Q30 Do elements scored during AUTO also count at the end of TELEOP
It isn't clear from the rules as to whether elements scored during autonomous also count again during teleop, such as last year when pixels counted once during auto and then counting again during teleop.
We believe !Q21 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Sep 23rd 24
Q31 Do ROBOTS have to make contact with the LOW RUNG during their HIGH RUNG ASCENT?
Q1: Must the ROBOT make contact with the LOW RUNG when ASCENDING? Q2: Or can the ROBOT simply make sure to never touch the TILES and the HIGH RUNG at the same time?
A1: Contact with the LOW RUNG is required to achieve a LEVEL 1 ASCENT. The rules do not stipulate that the ROBOT must contact the LOW RUNG for a LEVEL 2 or a LEVEL 3 ASCENT.
A2: ROBOTS may directly contact the HIGH RUNG as long as they are not in contact with the TILES, either directly or transitively through SCORING ELEMENTS, and not supported by any other part of the SUBMERSIBLE structure except for the LOW RUNG.
Please see [Team Update 02](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q32 Contacting opponents from your net zone
G425 Calls for a Major Foul if a robot makes contact with an opponent's robot (regardless of who initiates contact) if any part of either robot is in the opponent's net zone. Is it a legitimate strategy to sit in your net zone and reach out to make contact with an opponent's robot when they drive within range. Would that opponent's team receive a Major Foul for each such contact?
It is not possible to provide guidance for all hypothetical situations. The REFEREES will be observing the match and applying judgements based on observed ROBOT interactions.
In the case you are describing, if the REFEREES determine that the action is a clear attempt to cause the opposing ALLIANCE to violate !G425, the REFEREES would apply !G210, the opposing ALLIANCE does not incur a FOUL and your ALLIANCE would receive a MINOR FOUL at a minimum.
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q33 Contact with a pre-set sample during Auto
Rule G404.B says, "contact [with] a pre-set SAMPLE on the opposing ALLIANCE'S half of the FIELD" is a foul. Note: it does not specify being the opposing alliance's sample. If a team accidentally pushes its own pre-set SAMPLE in the wrong direction, would it be a foul if the sample crosses the half-way line.
Per rule !G404, a ROBOT would incur a FOUL for moving SCORING ELEMENTS onto the opposing ALLIANCE'S half of the FIELD during the AUTO period.
Please see [Team Update 02](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q34 Touching the wall at start of Auto through preloaded sample
To satisfy G303 F, can we touch the wall with our pre-loaded sample or speciment?
No. !G303 part F requires the ROBOT to be touching the FIELD wall. The pre-loaded SAMPLE is not part of the ROBOT.
Asked by
answered Sep 23rd 24
Q36 Does rule G303E allow the preload to be inside a zone while the robot is outside the zone?
In rule G303E the robot must be outside either Observation or net zone. When the robot starts the pre load must make contact with the robot to ensure with 10.3.1. The question is if the robot is outside either zone can the preload be inside either zone so the robot can make a scoring action by releasing contact with the preload?
Section 10.3.1 stipulates that both the ROBOT as well as the pre-loaded SCORING ELEMENT cannot be in the OBSERVATION ZONE or NET ZONE.
Please see [Team Update 02](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q37 Specimen creation before start of match
Can you start making extra specimens after making the preload and before the match starts?
There are no rules that prohibit a HUMAN PLAYER from assembling SPECIMENS prior to the start of the MATCH.
Rule !G431 limits to when the SPECIMENS may be introduced to the OBSERVATION ZONE.
Please see [Team Update 02](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q38 HUMAN PLAYER in transition between AUTO and TELEOP
Can the human player interact with game elements and place them on the field during the switch between auto and teleop?
There are no rules that prohibit a HUMAN PLAYER from assembling SPECIMENS or interacting with off FIELD elements during the AUTO to TELEOP transition.
Rule !G431 limits the HUMAN PLAYER to only placing SCORING ELEMENTS in the OBSERVATION ZONE during AUTO and TELEOP.
Please see [Team Update 02](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q39 Is the ELP 16mp Autofocus USB camera legal?
We are considering using the ELP 16mp Autofocus USB Camera Module for Computers but want to ensure that it is legal. Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BX6BMLML/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B0BX6BMLML&pd_rd_w=RLHXX&content-id=amzn1.sym.953c7d66-4120-4d22-a777-f19dbfa69309&pf_rd_p=953c7d66-4120-4d22-a777-f19dbfa69309&pf_rd_r=C5YB09D550WY1CAT0BTY&pd_rd_wg=vJreG&pd_rd_r=04cbe53c-7b07-4b90-82f9-aea1118b3cf1&s=electronics&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwy
It is not possible for us to rule on the legality of each and every USB camera. As long as the USB camera meets the requirements of !R715 and its use does not violate any other rules (most notably !R709 and !R203 part I) then it is allowed.
Asked by
answered Sep 23rd 24
Q40 Preload Scoring Element
In Section 10.3.1 Scoring Elements, we would like clarification on the preload paragraph directly after 10.3.1 F. It states that scoring elements from areas E and F in figure 10-2 are available for preloading. We read this to mean we can do any one of the following to have one preload per robot 1- take sample from F or E to score as a sample, or 2 - take a sample from F or E and a clip from E to create a specimen. Can you clarify if this is correct?
Please see [Team Update 01](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-01). If that doesn't answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q41 Is the horizontal expansion limit fixed per event or can it change from match to match?
R104 states that after the start of a match, the robot can expand as long as it stays within a 20" x 42" horizontal box as noted at inspection.
A) Can a robot have extensions permanently mounted that go out 90° sides of the STARTING CONFIGURATION >20" as long as they are not used in the same match and will this require a reinspection each time you want to use this strategy?
B) If the above robot is allowed to have these mechanisms concurrently, does it need separate op modes per mechanism?
The answer to this question was edited on 10/17/2024.
A) As described, the team must demonstrate that the MECHANISMS stay within the 42” x 20” box. During initial inspection, each configuration with different behaviors will be required to be inspected separately. The team must demonstrate that software will keep the extensions within the size limitation. An expansion of zero inches for a given extension in an individual ROBOT configuration is a valid software limit.
B) It is possible to have a single configuration in a single OpMode, or multiple configurations in a single OpMode, and each must be inspected individually.
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q43 Two Limelight Cameras
Are we permitted to use two limelight 3A cameras on our robot?
While there are no rules that strictly forbids using more than one Limelight 3A camera on a ROBOT the REV Control Hub can only support a single Limelight 3A camera at this time.
Asked by
answered Sep 23rd 24
Q44 Legality of GoBilda Servo Power Distribution Board (8 Channel) 3108-2827-0801
The GoBilda Servo Power Distribution Board (8 Channel)
3108-2827-0801 states on their website it is not legal for FTC. Additionally it is not included on the allowed Servo Distribution electronics, however it appears to be nearly identical to other approved boards.(R505) Could this board be approved for use? If not could you elaborate on why?
The goBILDA servo power distribution board is not electrically compatible with FIRST Tech Challenge electronics. Approved Servo Power devices (REV Servo Hub, REV Servo Power Module, Studica Servo Power Block) accept ~12V battery power and provide 6V power to servos. The goBILDA servo power distribution board passes input voltage directly to servos without any internal down-stepping of voltage and would require an external voltage regulator to be used properly (which is not allowed). As such, the goBILDA servo power distribution board is not legal for FIRST Tech Challenge.
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q45 Definition of supported relating to robot ascent scoring.
Could I have a definition of supported as used in section 10.5.3; c ii? The dictionary would define it as: bear all or part of the weight of; hold up. Does that mean if a part of the robot is touching the vertical metal frame at the end of a level three ascent, it will not count?
The answer to this question was edited on 10/31/2024. Please see [Team Update 05](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined) as well as !Q161.
ROBOT contact with the vertical metal frame of the SUBMERSIBLE while ASCENDING is allowed, provided that the vertical metal frame of the SUBMERSIBLE is not grasped and does not provide vertical support for the ROBOT. Incidental ROBOT contact with the vertical metal frame of the SUBMERSIBLE is allowed for a valid ASCENT per the first orange box in section 10.5.3 of the Competition Manual.
You are correct, the Competition Manual uses the dictionary definition of "support" for describing some of the ASCENT requirements.
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q46 Parts of robot touching inside SUBMERSIBLE during ascent.
For ASCENT, "Once ROBOTS start their ASCENT, parts of the ROBOT may swing into the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE." Q1:Does "swing" mean that the robot may never touch the TILES inside the SUBMERSIBLE? Q2:If a robot is starting its LEVEL 2 ascent by making contact with the LOW RUNG while outside the SUBMERSIBLE and lifting, but in the process some of its parts make contact with the tiles inside the submersible, is the LEVEL 2 ascent valid if the end result is that the robot is fully supported by the LOW RUNG?
A1: ROBOT contact with a TILE after starting an ASCENT does not invalidate a LEVEL 1 or LEVEL 2 ASCENT.
ROBOT contact with a TILE while also touching the HIGH RUNG invalidates a LEVEL 3 ASCENT per section 10.5.3 (C.i). To become eligible for a LEVEL 3 ASCENT again, the ROBOT must disengage from the HIGH RUNG. If a LEVEL 3 ASCENT is invalidated, the ROBOT is still eligible for a LEVEL 1 or LEVEL 2 ASCENT.
A2: Yes.
Please see [Team Update 02](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q47 Pre-loaded CLIPS.
Can CLIPS not part of a SPECIMEN be pre-loaded onto the robot before the beginning of the match? If so, is there a limit on how many CLIPS? Does a CLIP which is part of a preloaded SPECIMEN count towards this total?
No, individual CLIPS are not allowed to be pre-loaded on the ROBOT during pre-MATCH set up.
A SAMPLE or SPECIMEN are the only allowed pre-loaded SCORING ELEMENTS per section 10.3.1 in the Competition Manual
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q48 Permitted software modifications of Limelight 3A
What parts of the Limelight 3a software are we permitted to modify? Are we allowed to use nonstandard/modified operating system images? Are we allowed to program in other languages than python that are not officially supported by the Limelight? What about adding software on the limelight through means other than the web interface, such as mounting the device via USB? Can we add/remove/modify configuration files? What parts of the software are off-limits? See R703, page 109.
You are only allowed to modify the Limelight 3A in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Performing actions such as adding/removing/modifying operating system software, application software, or performing hardware modifications not officially supported by Limelight makes the device no longer a Limelight 3A device and voids legality per R703.
Asked by
answered Sep 25th 24
Q49 Are robots allowed to use the ground barrier to prevent tipping during and after climbing?
The competition manual says that the robots have to "solely use the rungs to climb", so I was wondering if using the ground barrier to prevent tipping would be within this restriction.
The answer to this question was edited on 10/31/2024. Please see [Team Update 05](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined).
Provided that the SUBMERSIBLE barrier is not grasped and does not provide vertical support for the ROBOT, contacting the vertical surface of the SUBMERSIBLE barrier to prevent ROBOT tipping while ASCENDING is allowed. See the orange boxes in section 10.5.3 of the Competition Manual for substantiating guidance.
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q50 Ascent and touching submersible to prevent swinging into submersible.
C. ROBOTS may not initiate contact with the HIGH RUNG while:
i. still supported by the TILES directly or transitively through another object (e.g., SCORING ELEMENTS or another ROBOT), or
ii. supported by any other part of the SUBMERSIBLE structure except for the LOW RUNG
Is it possible for a robot to hang on level 2 bar with a fender on the outside of the submersible to prevent the robot from swinging into the submersible, provided the fender is not on a tile and not bearing weight on the edge
We believe !Q45 and !Q49 answer your question. If they do not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q51 Can you please clarify what is meant by "initiate contact" in rule 10.5.3c.
Q1: "Initiate" can mean either making actual contact or starting the process that will lead to making contact. For example extending the part of the robot that will make eventual contact. Is that legal as long as it doesn't actual make contact until the robot leaves the ground?
Q2: Can the robot touch the ground again AFTER contact has been "initiated" however that is defined?
Q3: Does the time between leaving the ground, etc, and making contact matter?
Please see [Team Update 02](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q52 Clarification Re: 10.5.3 regarding horizontal (swinging) stabilization.
10.5.3 states ROBOT:
-"is... completely above the top of the LOW RUNG"
-"which make incidental contact... are still eligible for ASCENT points."
-"may not initiate contact with the HUGH RUNG while... supported by any other part... except the LOW RUNG"
Assuming the robot is entirely supported by the rungs:
Q1 Is it allowable for a trailing bar/guide to contact the prior rung to prevent swinging and keep the robot vertical?
Q2 Swinging contact w/the lower rung prevents L3 ASCENT, is that correct?
A1: Yes, provided that the LOW RUNG does not provide vertical support to the ROBOT per section 10.5.3.
A2: Yes, per the LEVEL 3 ASCENT requirements stated in the section 10.5.3 ASCENT table.
Asked by
answered Sep 25th 24
Q53 Clarification of Level 3 Ascent above low rung
This is concerning the definition of a Level 3 Ascent in 10.5.3. Specifically "ROBOT is fully supported by the HIGH RUNG and completely above the top of the LOW RUNG at the end of the MATCH." Does "completely above the top of the low rung" mean that no part of the robot can break a horizontal plane at the height of the top of the low rung?
Yes, per the ASCENT table in section 10.5.3, a LEVEL 3 ASCENT requires the ROBOT to be completely above the top of the LOW RUNG.
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q54 ASCENT scoring
Expanding on Q14, we're looking for clarification on if a "locking" mechanism should be used to determine ASCENT at the +3sec point at the end of the MATCH.
Q1:If a team has to hold the controls to sustain the ASCENT, they would be controlling the ROBOT just past the +3sec period. Would that violate G406 for control after TELEOP with scoring or G414 for more than momentary control at the end of the period? Both Major FOULS
Q2:Would those be ignored if the control was only to sustain an ASCENT?
A1: actively controlling a ROBOT after end of the TELEOP period (i.e. holding the controls) would be a violation of !G406 and would result in a MAJOR FOUL. !G406 requires that operation of the ROBOT be discontinued by the end of the buzzer sound at match end. !G414 does not apply as it is specific to the ROBOT being disabled by a REFEREE for rule violations.
A2: There is no provision in the rules for ignoring the consequences of !G406
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q55 Clarity on SUPPORTED for ASCENT
Adding to Q45. Assuming the dictionary version of SUPPORT would permit contact with VERTICAL surfaces of the SUBMERSIBLE while in the process of initiating contact with the high rung. If a reason to NOT permit this action is due to the possibility of friction providing impactful SUPPORT, could the use of a roller or hard plastic contact point provide the committee with enough assurance that no impactful SUPPORT is present?
To provide context, keep in mind that this question was posted before the answer to !Q45 was published.
We believe !Q45 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Although the COMPONENT as described doesn't sound like it will violate the ROBOT ASCENT support requirements described in section 10.5.3, we cannot rule solely on a description of the COMPONENT. What is done with the COMPONENT during the MATCH is what REFEREES will be watching, and actions during a MATCH could potentially affect scoring the ASCENT achievement.
Asked by
answered Sep 25th 24
Q56 Can there be a hook left on the low rung?
If we use a hook to ascend to the low rung, can that hook be left on the low rung when we move to the high rung provided that the hook is not supporting any weight?
Leaving a hook attached to the LOW RUNG would generate one of two outcomes;
* either the hook is still attached to the ROBOT and therefore part of the weight of the ROBOT is supported by the LOW RUNG resulting in a LEVEL 2 ASCENT (if all other conditions are met)
* or, if the hook is not still attached to the ROBOT, then the ROBOT has violated !G209 and would receive a RED CARD
Asked by
answered Sep 25th 24
Q57 Can you move specimens that are still in the observation area?
Can the human player move scoring elements that are in the observation area after they have been set down?
There is nothing in the rules that prevents a HUMAN PLAYER from moving/adjusting SCORING ELEMENTS (including SPECIMENS) in the OBSERVATION ZONE as long as other rules are not violated (e.g. !G431, !G432, !G433).
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q58 Is the human player allowed to remove their own color clips?
Are you allowed to remove clips from specimens that are your own color, to turn it back into a sample?
There is nothing in the rules that prohibits a HUMAN PLAYER from manipulating a SPECIMEN to convert it back to a CLIP and a SAMPLE, as long as the actions don't violate the rules governing HUMAN PLAYERS i.e. !G431 and !G432
Asked by
answered Sep 25th 24
Q59 When does an ascend attempt reset?
Suppose a robot pulls up on the low rung to a Level 2 ascent, then touches the high rung, making initial contact in accordance with 10.5.3.C.
Q1: Does the robot need to make continuous contact with the high rung from that point until Level 3 ascent is achieved?
Q2: Suppose continuous contact is maintained. If the robot maintains contact with the high rung, can it drop back to the field, then pull itself up to the high rung and achieve Level 3 ascent?
Please see [Team Update 02](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q60 Can teams take a sample from the other team's net zone?
Are we allowed to take a sample from the other alliances' net zone to score it in ours?
Removing a SAMPLE from the opposing ALLIANCE'S NET ZONE would result in your ALLIANCE receiving a MAJOR FOUL per SAMPLE removed as described in !G412
Asked by
answered Sep 25th 24
Q61 Can we accomplish ascent during auto?
Q1: Can we accomplish Level 2 and Level 3 ascent in the Autonomous Period?
Q2: Can we get points by doing Level 1 and Level 2 ascent at the same time?
A1: There is nothing in the rules that prevents a ROBOT from ASCENDING during the AUTO period. The ASCENT achievement is only scored at the end of the MATCH as described in section 10.5 (A).
A2: No, as described in section 10.5.3 (D).
Asked by
answered Sep 24th 24
Q62 Do we gain any points by turning a sample into a specimen?
When we attach a clip to a sample to create a specimen, will we get additional points?
No, attaching a CLIP to a SAMPLE to create a SPECIMEN is not a scoring achievement and therefore has zero score value per section 10.5.2 and section 10.5.4, Table 10-3.
Asked by
answered Sep 25th 24
Q63 Parking in the wrong observation or ascent zone.
what happens if we accidently parked in the opposite alliances zones?
Depending on when the parking takes place, parking in the opposing ALLIANCE ASCENT ZONE could be a violation of !G404, !G424 or !G427.
Entering the opposing ALLIANCE OBSERVATION ZONE at any time would be a violation of !G426 and a violation of !G419 if a HUMAN PLAYER is present. Remaining in the OBSERVATION ZONE for extended periods of time could trigger !G424 consequences
Asked by
answered Sep 25th 24
Q64 Bounding Box Question (horizontal expansion).
(Q1) Can a robot rotate an arm or other extension inside the bounding box and extend it in another direction without turning the robot in a different direction. If an arm extends in the "x direction," can that arm retract and then extend in the "y direction"?
(Q2) Does the 20" x 42" bounding box reset or does this box make the use of any turning platform devices (e.g. turrets) non-compliant on a robot.
(A2) The horizontal size boundary never "resets" - as described in !Q13, !R104 part D requires that the maximum extent of all MECHANISMS cannot exceed the horizontal size boundary. The orange box on !R104 also clarifies that, "All possible movement of extensions outside the STARTING CONFIGURATION must be constrained within the horizontal size boundary." This is exemplified in the examples presented in Figure 12-2.
(A1) A rotating arm is no different than any other MECHANISM that extends. If the MECHANISM is allowed to extend in both the X and -X direction, assuming the horizontal size boundary defined by the ROBOT orientation is 42" across the X axis, the sum of the allowed (through software or hardware limitations) ROBOT span along the X axis throughout the match is 42".
Asked by
answered Sep 26th 24
Q65 Clarification of software limits to expansion limits.
Q13 asked about programmatic limitation of horizontal extension to satisfy the expansion limits. The answer to that question indicated that software limitations would not satisfy the rule. Could you clarify because the text in the orange box for R104 states "extensions may be software or hardware limited." Should this phrase be revised to remove the software limitation being allowed?
The answer to !Q13 stated that the described design was illegal not for the use of software limits, but because the described design doesn't satisfy rule !R104 D. In this description, the ROBOT would have software limitations, however when all MECHANISMS are extended, the ROBOT would have exceeded the 42" box limit. Remember that when the ROBOT is placed inside of the 20" x 42" box, the ROBOT CHASSIS must remain stationary.
Please also see !Q64. If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 10th 24
Q66 Clarification on R307 example 3.
We understand that we can use an actuator(s) to move the gripper jaws to open and close. Would we be allowed to use another actuator to move the closed gripper jaws up and down and/or side to side at a different position than where the gripper jaws closed?
(However, grippers that incorporate
additional actuators providing additional twisting and/or bending actions (like a
wrist) add degrees of freedom that are prohibited in COTS MECHANISMS.)
!R307 only legislates COTS MECHANISMS and COMPONENTS that you purchase from VENDORS. For example, you cannot purchase and use a gripper that is already designed to use an actuator to move the gripper up and down (which makes it more than a single Degree of Freedom (DoF)). However, you can purchase a single DoF COTS gripper from a VENDOR and are free to design and add a MECHANISM that uses an actuator to move the gripper up and down yourself.
Asked by
answered Sep 26th 24
Q67 Level 3 ascent.
Q1: To do a Level 3 ascent, do we have to first hang on the low rung and then climb on to the high rung, or Q2: can we just pull ourselves up to the top rung?
A1: The ASCENT rules do not require a ROBOT to achieve ASCENT LEVELS in sequence (i.e, LEVEL 1 first, LEVEL 2 second, and LEVEL 3 third).
A2: If the ROBOT concurrently contacts a TILE and the HIGH RUNG, a LEVEL 3 ASCENT is invalidated.
Please see [Team Update 02](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q68 Placing the specimen.
Are we allowed to put the specimen anywhere on our alliance wall or is it just limited to the observation zone?
!G431 limits the HUMAN PLAYER to only placing or retrieving SCORING ELEMENTS into or from the OBSERVATION ZONE.
Placing SPECIMENS on the FIELD wall is allowed but only as long as the SPECIMEN is inside the OBSERVATION ZONE
Asked by
answered Sep 25th 24
Q69 Can robot use ground barrier to prevent tipping after trying to ASCENT to HIGH RUNG.
This is a specific clarification for Q49 and Q45.
Q1: When robot initial contact with high rung, can it still touch ground barrier to prevent tipping (has side force, but no vertical support)?
Q2: When the robot starts ASCENDING to the high hung, can it touch the ground barrier to prevent tipping?
The answer to this question was edited on 10/31/2024. Please see [Team Update 05](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined)
We believe !Q49 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
The answer in !Q49 directly addresses the "while ASCENDING" scenarios in Q1 and Q2.
Asked by
answered Sep 26th 24
Q71 Level 2 scored if hung on low rung but touching ground barrier from side?
If touching ground barrier from the side (with side force, no vertical force) is not considered as support, can a robot hung on low rung but touching ground barrier from side considered as Level 2 score?
The answer to this question was edited on 10/31/2024, Please see [Team Update 05](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined)
We believe !Q49 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Sep 25th 24
Q72 Placement of Clips on Chamber / Grasping of Clips on Chamber
Team Update 01 deems there no limit on CLIPS in possession by the robot.
Q1: Is it legal to place multiple CLIPS on the Chamber, independent of SPECIMEN? I.e Place 10 CLIPS on the bar.
Q2: Is it legal to create SPECIMEN while the CLIPS are on the CHAMBER (previously attached presuming Q1 is YES)?
Q3: Is it legal to GRASP a CLIP on the CHAMBER to prevent it from rotating?
A1: There is nothing in the rules that would prohibit a ROBOT placing bare CLIPS onto the CHAMBERS.
A2: There is nothing in the rules that requires a SPECIMEN to be created in a particular location. Team Update 01 clarified that ROBOTS are allowed to create SPECIMENS.
A3: !G416 specifically allows for grasping of SCORING ELEMENTS (i.e. CLIPS). Care should be taken to make it clear that the ROBOT is not violating !G416 with respect to the CHAMBER as it is grasping the CLIP.
Asked by
answered Sep 25th 24
Q73 Clarification of software limits to expansion limits.
Q13 asked about programmatic limitation of horizontal extension to satisfy the expansion limits. The answer indicated that software limitations would not satisfy the rule. (1) Could you clarify since the text in orange box for R104 states "extensions may be software or hardware limited." (2) How would servos, that when powered off could rotate far enough to extend outside the limit, but when powered on, would have limited range in servo mode (that is programmable via servo programmers)
Keep in mind this question was posted before the answer to !Q65 was published.
We believe !Q65 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q74 RE: Q12 Ascent minor element legality
In the goBILDA® "FTC Starter Bot Overview" video, at 3:14 the SAMPLE/SPECIMEN manipulator appears to be IN the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE when the ASCENT MECHANISM makes contact with the LOW RUNG (https://youtu.be/qDwFq_XWpNE?si=D-px3QVKCjsSJvgU).
For the sake of consistent tournaments, please provide R104 style illustrations of valid and invalid ASCENT starts.
Section 10.5.3, part B, states that ROBOTS must start their ASCENT with their CHASSIS outside the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE. The orange box then clarifies that elements may be used to contact the rung.
The ASCENT shown in this video is a legal ASCENT.
Please see [Team Update 03](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q75 Cooling Fans on a ROBOT
R501 allows motors in certain COTS components, and doesn’t count them towards the actuator limit in R503. When testing the Limelight 3A, we found that it got hot with use very quickly. Would we be allowed to have a small COTS fan to cool down the camera and prevent it from overheating?
No. An external COTS fan does not meet any of the criteria in !R501. The Limelight 3A does get very warm, but according to Limelight Vision the device does not require external cooling. Another option may be simply to use [an aluminum heatsink](https://a.co/d/1cSGazf) if the concern is still present.
Asked by
answered Sep 26th 24
Q76 Using a coprocessor to control actuators
In rule R505 it states each actuator must be controlled by a power regulating device. The REV SPARKmini is a power regulating device, but nowhere does it say where the input signal to the SPARKmini must come from. Can it come from a coprocessor?
As you've pointed out, the REV SPARKmini cannot control an actuator - it merely regulates the power to an actuator, the control signal comes from somewhere else. As specified in !R505, "each actuator must be controlled by a power regulating device." Only three devices currently listed in Table 12-3 can actually provide a control signal - the REV Control Hub, REV Expansion Hub, and the REV Robotics Servo Hub - but the language was left generic so that as devices are added to the list no other rules or language needs to be modified. External coprocessors are not included in Table 12-3, and are not allowed to provide control signals for actuators.
Asked by
answered Sep 26th 24
Q77 Is this a valid design and possible inspection procedure regarding extension limits?
1. Robot Is placed on the floor and “fixed”
2. A 4-sided rectangular sleeve 20 in x 42 in x ~50 in tall is placed over the robot.
3. Inspection passes if ALL are TRUE:
a. Robot does not move with respect to the floor.
b. The sleeve does not move from initial placement on the floor.
c. The robot does not contact the sleeve.
d. Team demonstrates all robot functions
4. This is directly related to Q65 and explains Q13.
5. This is not a recommendation on how to inspect, just an interpretation.
Yes, this is a valid interpretation of a possible inspection process for a ROBOT per !R104.
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q78 Actuator operation after match end.
Per Q10, at the end of the match, setting down the controllers but not pressing stop on the driver hub is a acceptable way to satisfy G406.
1: Is having a system in the op mode to keep motors and/or servos active (for example, using a PID loop to prevent the robot from falling off of a rung ) but not actively controlled by the driver allowed under G406?
2: If no to 1, is the use of active braking allowed after match end (ie. motor.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); )?
A1: Yes, an active op mode satisfies the limits of !G406
A2: Yes, use of braking modes for motors also satisfies the limits of !G406
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q79 ASCENTs Depicted in the "Starter Bot" Videos
In the "How Do I Play INTO THE DEEP with the Robits Starter Bot?" video, at 3:16, several MECHANISMs are completely inside the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE when the ASCENT MECHANISM begins interacting with the LOW RUNG (https://youtu.be/HxUviRIFUvE?si=TBg2pFiWB7DkYf-Y). Q1: Is it a valid ASCENT start? Q2: Same question for the ASCENTs depicted in other vendors’ "starter bot" videos.
Keep in mind this question was posted before the answer to !Q74 was published.
We believe !Q74 answers your question.
The ASCENT shown in the starter bot video is legal.
Also, please see [Team updates 03](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q80 At what place does the observation zone start?
Q1: Does the observation zone include the tape or the area within the tape? Q2: When introducing game elements to the field can it exceed the observation zone if a part of it is in the zone?
Q1: The definition of OBSERVATION ZONE includes the taped lines as part of the ZONE.
Q2: If part of the SCORING ELEMENT is touching the tape, it is in the OBSERVATION ZONE.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q81 Clarification on Q45
We are looking for clarification Q45- does this score?
1) Robot Climbs off the ground onto the low bar. The robot has a small piece on its side, contacting the vertical surface of the side of the submersible structure to prevent tipping.
2) Robot grasps the high bar, while still being off the ground on the low bar, but it still is contacting the vertical surface of the submersible on the left.
3) Robot climbs all the way up. It is still touching the left vertical side of the sub structure.
We believe !Q45 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
The scenario described in this question (!Q81) is fully addressed in !Q45. The scenario described in !Q81 appears to satisfy the ASCENT requirements. However, the REFEREE crew will make their decision based on the ROBOT's actions during gameplay.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q82 Clarification on Extension Limits
Is it legal to have 2 different op modes that are legal in the 20-42 limit in different ways. For example, if one configuration involves 20 inch extension in the front of the robot, and the other configuration/opmode has 20 inches in the back of the robot. Both of these configurations would be in different opmodes and never used in the same match. Provided both these are inspected, is this legal?
Yes, it would be legal as long as the configurations are followed as stated in the question.
Asked by
answered Oct 16th 24
Q83 What is defined as DRIVE TEAM interaction during AUTO?
Rule G401 states "In AUTO, a DRIVE TEAM member may not directly or indirectly interact with a ROBOT or an OPERATOR CONSOLE", and lists the allowed exceptions. Q1: What counts as "interaction" for the HUMAN PLAYER?
Q2: Does receiving input through the use of sensors (sensors on the robot) from DRIVE TEAM count as interaction (there will be no direct contact)?
Can you provide clarification on what the extent of interaction is?
A1: In general, any action by a DRIVE TEAM member that causes a reaction from a ROBOT would count as interaction. For the HUMAN PLAYER, any action other than the allowed placement or retrieval of SAMPLES, CLIPS or SPECIMEN into the OBSERVATION ZONE that causes a reaction would count as an interaction.
A2: During the AUTO period, ROBOT control achieved by a member of the DRIVE TEAM signaling a ROBOT through any sensor interface would be a disallowed interaction and a violation of !G401.
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q85 Is a robot protected when scoring the specimen on the their own chamber?
If robots are allowed to intake from any side of the Submersible, would it result in a penalty if a robot blocks the opposing alliance from accessing and scoring in their own chambers?
There are no rules that specifically limit the location in which a ROBOT may gather a SAMPLE from the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE. However, be careful to not run afoul of !G412, !G424, and !G427 while exploring each side of the SUBMERSIBLE.
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q86 Is 2X2 carbon fiber tube allowed for FTC?
Our team had 2X2 carbon fiber tube donated. We are trying to determine if this material fits within the FTC allowed materials. We believe it would fall under this statement: All raw materials are allowed provided they are readily available to all teams from standard distributors (for example, McMaster-Carr, Home Depot, Grainger, AndyMark®). McMaster sells carbon fiber tube in several sizes, but not 2X2. This tube is available to purchase online by any team through a carbon fiber supplier, though
Yes, products made from carbon fiber are included in !R301.
Please note that carbon fiber can be especially tricky to work with if you've never done so before. We implore you to follow all recommendations and safety procedures when working with carbon fiber products, such as those [recommended by DragonPlate](https://dragonplate.com/how-to-cut-carbon-fiber). Pay special attention to recommendations to avoid splinters, sharp edges, and most importantly protect yourself from carbon fiber dust.
Asked by
answered Oct 2nd 24
Q87 Can a piece of the robot be inside the submersible before the robot leaves the floor?
When engaging with the high rung, would using vertical slides positioned on the inside of the submersible to hook onto the outside of the rung break any Ascent rules? Would it be considered climbing from the inside? As the manual is currently worded, it seems like climbing from the inside is only really a concern while beginning Ascent.
Keep in mind this question was posted before the answer to !Q74 was published.
We believe !Q74 answers your question.
Please see [Team Updates 03](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q88 Launching Hooks For Ascent
Is it okay to launch hooks over the rungs for ascent? If so, are solenoids legal to do this?
No, launching a tethered element would be a violation of !G209. Solenoids are a violation of !R506 and/or !R207.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q89 Human Player creating multiple samples to specimens during Auto.
Q1: If a robot can move the 3 alliance color blue or red samples from the field to the observation zone (1 at a time) during autonomous, can the human player clip all 3, provided the robot has left the observation zone, during the autonomous time, so that all 3 will become specimens and be ready to retrieve at the start of teleop? Q2: If yes, can all 3 specimens be in the observation zone clipped to the field wall or on the gray tiles by the conclusion of auto or the beginning of teleop?
A1: There is nothing in the rules that prohibits a HUMAN PLAYER creating SPECIMENS from SAMPLES placed into the OBSERVATION ZONE by ROBOTS during the AUTO period. Care should be taken to avoid potential violations of !G432
A2: Yes
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q90 May the preloaded specimen have multiple clips connected to it?
As per 9.7.3, a specimen has at least one clip. Does this imply that the preloaded specimen may have multiple clips?
Yes, that is correct - any SPECIMEN may have more than one CLIP per Section 9.7.3.
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q91 Side shields on eyeglasses
Q1: Are side shields permitted to be worn on top of regular eyeglasses at events, instead of safety glasses?
Q2: The game manual references "safety rated glasses" as an option that side shields may be used on; how is this enforced, and how would one find that safety rating on an existing pair of eyeglasses?
A1: !E101 specifies that side shields are permitted as long as they are worn with safety rated glasses.
A2: We do not expect event staff to evaluate what types of glasses are considered safety rated at events. However, it is up to each individual to follow the safety rules outlined in the competition manual to ensure they are in compliance and are safe from any accidental injury at an event.
A3: Please check with the manufacturer of an existing pair of glasses to determine if they meet the criteria listed in rule !E101.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q92 Human Player Use In between Auto & Tele-op
Can the human player make specimens in between auto and tele-op?
Keep in mind, this question was asked prior to the answer to !Q38 being published.
We believe that !Q38 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q93 Do the horizontal extension limits pitch and roll with the robot?
R104 states that the horizontal extension limits are measured co-planar to the floor, and they translate & rotate with the robot, but do they also pitch and roll with the robot?
For example, if we have a robot that is 18x18x18 and has a front extension that moves out 24" then it is within the bounds when flat on the tiles, but if the robot tips backwards (or sideways) e.g. when ascending then the back (side) of the robot has effectively extended out of bounds with respect to the coplanar tiles.
Good question! The answer is no, because the horizontal boundary defined in !R104 is always co-planar to the floor regardless of how the ROBOT moves (including pitches and rolls). Without the co-planar restriction, a ROBOT would otherwise be able to tip over and use its normally unlimited vertical extension to reach horizontally. You have correctly interpreted the rule, and have identified a challenge all teams will need to consider in the design of their ROBOTS.
Please see [Team Update 02](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 3rd 24
Q94 Clarification Re: 10.5.3-cii and Vertical vs Horizontal Support
10.5.3 states that robots may not contact the high rung while "supported by any other part of the SUBMERSIBLE structure except for the LOW RUNG." It's been stated in other questions, like Q49, that robots may have horizontal support, ie brace, against the low rung. What's the exact difference between vertical and horizontal support?
For the INTO THE DEEP game, horizontal support refers to structures or elements that provide stability and resistance against forces acting parallel to the ARENA TILES. Vertical support refers to structures or elements that provide stability and resistance against forces acting perpendicular to the ARENA TILES.
90 degrees (Pi/2 radians) is the precise answer to the posted question: "What's the exact difference between vertical and horizontal support?"
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q95 Can the robot intake outside the observation zone while the HP is adjusting the location.
Can the human player adjust the placement of samples/specimen while the robot is intaking.
The sample / specimen would be on the line and the the robot would intake on the field side of the line. Both the robot and human player would not be in the same zone.
Rules !G419 and !G431 stipulate that ROBOTS and HUMAN PLAYERS may not contact SCORING ELEMENTS, either directly or transitively, while the other is controlling/possessing a SCORING ELEMENT.
Based on these two rules, the described strategy would not be legal.
Please see [Team Update 03](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q96 Can Samples be pushed under the Barrier?
One of our teams found it is possible (with some force) to push Samples under the Barrier to remove them from the Submersible Zone. Is there any rule against manipulating Samples this way?
While there is nothing in the rules that specifies the method used to remove SAMPLES from the SUBMERSIBLE, care should be taken to avoid violating related rules.
Potential rule violations could include: !G407 if opposing ALLIANCE SAMPLES wedge under the barrier, !G409 if the manipulation damages the SAMPLES, !G416 if the action cases damage to ARENA elements (SUMBERSIBLE parts, FIELD TILES, etc)
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q98 Clarification on I306
I306 (Page 18 of the Comp. Manual) Says that for inspection, the robot must be presented powered off with all non-electric stored energy devices (it includes springs) in their lowest potential energy state. It later says that the robot may have a stored energy device if the robot both requires it to be in the starting config. and if a safety interlock is included. Am I reading it correct that we can have a charged spring powered mechanism if we have a safety interlock to keep it from releasing?
Yes, that is the correct interpretation of !I306.
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q102 Samples controlled
Could a robot deliberately place a neutral sample or specimen onto an opposing robot? In the past a game piece on top of a robot was considered as being controlled by that robot. This robot would then be unable to grab or control another game piece as they would be controlling more than 1 at a time. Would this be a way to play defense? I do not plan on doing this with my team, as it seems rather dirty play. Would this be considered as allowed defense, or a major penalty for interference?
This would likely be considered as either a violation of !G210 or !G407.
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q103 Scoring Specimen on the Chambers
To score a specimen on the Chambers, does it have to be completely clipped onto the Chamber or can it just be hanging there? 10.5.2 SPECIMEN Scoring Criteria only says that the specimen has to be fully supported by a corresponding alliance specific chamber, but it does not say exactly what would be classified as fully supported.
The SPECIMEN scoring criteria section (10.5.2) does not require the SPECIMEN'S CLIP to be completely clipped onto a CHAMBER.
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q104 What happens to the expansion limit when the robot rotates upside down?
Some possible Ascent strategies involve rotating the CHASSIS 180 degrees using the RUNGS to be upside down.
Q1: What happens to the expansion limit of the robot after this strategy is performed?
As an example, say a robot facing the red drivers has a front extension. The robot could extend to be 42 in towards the red drivers.
Q2: After performing this strategy, is the robot (now facing the blue drivers) permitted to extend only towards the red drivers, or only towards the blue drivers?
During an ASCENT, the horizontal size boundary still applies the same as it does when the ROBOT is on the TILE floor. The horizontal size boundary is always coplanar to the floor - regardless of the orientation of the ROBOT. Realize that any change in orientation of the ROBOT must be accounted for in the horizontal size boundary.
Asked by
answered Oct 10th 24
Q105 Can expansion limit be satisfied by software limits
Q1:R104 discusses "the maximum extent of all extensions of the ROBOT". How is this maximum extent determined? Q2:The simplest determination would be to manually move all mechanisms, but teams seem to assume that they will pass inspection if their SOFTWARE will prevent over-extension. Is this true? Q3:For example, suppose a robot has a 30" arm that is physically able to rotate up and over the robot. If the software prevents it from ever going past horizontal, is this OK? How is this inspected?
A1: Maximums are determined during inspection. When a ROBOT arrives at inspection, the team must demonstrate all ROBOT expansions do not exceed the 42" x 20" limit while extended at the same time. See !Q113, !Q41, and !Q82 for more clarification regarding software limits.
A2: Yes, software that limits an over extension is legal.
A3: Yes. Also see A1 for how this is inspected.
Please also see the new [R104 Recap Video](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/r104-recap) which provides more context as well as visual aids to help teams comply with rule !R104.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q106 Can one replace the mechanical casing of COTS device?
Our team uses an USB camera (from Logitech) for CV, motion guidance and so on.
Because the original camera is not intended to be mounted on a mechanical apparatus and because it is too wide the team decided to design a new mechanical plastic shell for the electronics of the camera totally replacing the original plastic casing (the new casing was 3D printed and the electronics and optics were not altered).
Regarding Rule R301 it seems that it should be fine we want to double check it here.
There are several key considerations that must be taken into account when determining if it's okay to replace the outer case of any given COTS device:
1. Is this COTS device protected by a rule? For example, !R712 disallows modifying core control system devices including batteries, and !R504 disallows modifying actuators (such as servos), and so on. In these cases, you are specifically not allowed to modify or replace its casing.
2. Is this COTS device being inspected by name/SKU? For example, the Limelight 3A casing cannot be replaced because inspectors must be able to recognize the device - the Competition Manual calls it out by name in !R703. You also cannot modify the assembly for any legal Main Power Switch allowed by !R609 (cannot modify the rocker switch or housing, but can certainly change out the mounting bracket as it's not an integrated part of the product).
3. Is this COTS device being inspected by specifications? For example, USB battery packs allowed by !R602 requires verification that the battery pack meets specific requirements. Generally these requirements can be met through text written on the device itself (by the manufacturer), or by identifying the device and being presented by documentation provided by the manufacturer regarding that device - regardless, it requires that the device be identifiable. Modifying its casing would not be advisable.
4. Is this COTS device being inspected by class? In your case, !R715 points to the general class of "UVC compatible USB webcams." As long as the inspector can still determine that the device is a webcam, and you have proper answers if asked which device it is or if it's UVC compatible, then there is no requirement that the original case is preserved.
In summary, your specific question is answered in (4) - As long as the inspector can still determine that the device is a webcam, and you have proper answers if asked which device it is or if it's UVC compatible, then yes you can replace the original case the device came in.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q107 Legality of TETRIX 39530 DC motor?
Rule R501 states the allowed DC motors including discontinued ones.
Our team got old TETRIX motors P/N 39530 and checking the above table we saw that the allowed one is P/N 739530.
Cheeking the we revealed no difference between both models so our question is whether 39 530 is legal also?
Please see [Team Update 03](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined), we updated Table 12-1 in rule !R501 to include this motor. You're correct, it's the same motor with a different SKU.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q108 Preload Extending Partially Outside Field Perimeter
R101 states that preloaded scoring elements may extend outside the starting robot configuration. May the preloaded scoring element extend partially over the field perimeter wall as long as the entire robot remains completely in the field?
Yes, but if it contacts anything outside the FIELD, the ROBOT would be in violation of !G413-A and the team would receive a YELLOW CARD.
Asked by
answered Oct 8th 24
Q109 Can an attachment of the robot extend inside the submersible during ascent?
Q1: What is the definition of grasping as used in rule G416?
Q2: By rule 10.5.3A ROBOTS must start ascending from the outside of the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE. With this, does the entirety of the robot have to attempt to ascend from the outside of the SUBMERSIBLE, or can the base of the robot stay outside of the SUBMERSIBLE, while an attachment reaches inside the SUBMERSIBLE and hooks onto the SUBMERSIBLE RUNGS from the inside?
A1: "Grasping" is not a keyword in the Competition Manual. Therefore, the dictionary definition of "grasping" applies.
A2: Keep in mind this question was posted before the answer to !Q74 was published.
We believe !Q74 answers your question.
Please see [Team Updates 03](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q110 Definition of disengage.
In section 10.5.3 there is the text: "If any of the above conditions are not met, it is not a valid ASCENT. If a ROBOT does not meet ASCENT criteria, the ROBOT may disengage from the SUBMERSIBLE and attempt the ASCENT again." Q1: What counts as "disengaging?" Q2: Does it merely include not touching the SUBMERSIBLE? Q3: Does it mean not being IN the SUBMERSIBLE? Q4: Would it involve staying clear of the SUBMERSIBLE for a length of time?
A1: "Disengage" is not a keyword in the Competition Manual. Therefore, the dictionary definition of "disengage" applies.
A2: To reset and start over an ASCENT attempt, the ROBOT must make it obvious and unambiguous to the REFEREE that it is on the ARENA TILES and not touching the SUBMERSIBLE.
A3: The ROBOT must satisfy the ASCENT conditions specified in section 10.5.3. One requirement is that ROBOTS must start ASCENDING from outside the SUBMERSIBLE.
A4: There is no required minimum length of time for the ROBOT to disengage from the SUBMERSIBLE for an ASCENT reset.
Asked by
answered Oct 15th 24
Q111 Sensor use with human player placing specimens in autonomous
This is a clarification question to Q18 and Q83.
Q1: If the Human Player is holding a SPECIMEN on the wall by the CLIP as in Q18, and they slide it along the wall to align it with a MECHANISM on our ROBOT, is the ROBOT permitted to use a sensor to respond to this motion and close the MECHANISM once aligned?
Q2: Would the ROBOT be permitted to instead just drive to the wall, wait a set amount of time (during which the Human Player aligns the SPECIMEN), and then close the MECHANISM?
A1: The use of a sensor to trigger ROBOT action during the AUTO period violates !G401 as was clarified in !Q83.
A2: Yes. Care should be taken to make sure that the ROBOT and the HUMAN PLAYER are not simultaneously contacting the SCORING ELEMENT per !G431 Part D and !G419 Part B.
Please see [Team Update 03](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q112 Clarification of the meaning of Incidental
In Q45 it says "Incidental ROBOT contact with the vertical metal frame of the SUBMERSIBLE is allowed..."
The definition of "incidental" means "accompanying but not a major part of something". Can you please clarify in specific terms what that means in this context?
Please provide guidelines of what is accompanying, but not a major part since this is something can could vary greatly between different referees.
The answer to this question was updated on 10/31/2024. Please see [Team Update 05](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined).
ROBOTS may react against other surfaces on the SUBMERSIBLE to stabilize the ROBOT while they are ASCENDING. (!Q45 and !Q49 and 10.5.3. C.ii), but per Table 10-2 robots must be fully supported by the RUNG at the end of the MATCH when determining if the robot has ASCENDED to LEVEL 2 or LEVEL 3. The orange box clarifies that incidental contact (such as a wire, a zip tie, etc. which do not provide support or stabilization of the ROBOT) does not prevent the ROBOT from being considered fully supported by the RUNG.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q113 Clarification on Q41
A robot has extensions X and Y. When extended simultaneously exceed they 42"x20" limits. What of the following scenarios are legal?
A) Software is implemented that only X or Y one could be used during a match.
B) Either X or Y are attached to the robot in a match.
C) Either X or Y is restrained with a zip tie to not extend during a match.
D) If A B C are illegal is the team required to remove X or Y completely?
R104 states extensions may be software or hardware limited. Q41 challenges this.
Good question. Upon closer review, it appears we misunderstood the question being asked in !Q41. We corrected the answer to !Q41 on 10/17/2024.
Each ROBOT configuration (which includes any software limiting each MECHANISM) must be inspected per !R104 individually as the software limits being employed may change. It is possible to have multiple configurations in a single OpMode, and each must be inspected individually.
A) This is legal. An expansion of zero inches for a given extension in a ROBOT configuration is a valid software limit. During inspection, each software configuration with different behaviors will be required to be inspected separately. Please work with your inspector to be expedient if presenting multiple configurations.
B) If X or Y are interchangeable MECHANISMS, and you choose to only include one on your ROBOT for a given ROBOT configuration, this would be legal and regulated per !I303 part A. During inspection, each physical configuration of the ROBOT and software behaviors (e.g., software limits) would be required to be inspected separately. Please work with your inspector to be expedient if presenting multiple configurations.
C) This would be legal. Per !I304 the addition, relocation, or removal of fasteners (such as cable ties) does not require a reinspection.
D) N/A
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q114 Do we need to touch the wall in the observation zone during the end of the game?
At the end of the game, if we want to score points by parking out robot in the observation zone, is the robot required to be touching one of the walls?
As stated in the first sentence of Section 10.5.3, "A ROBOT receives PARKING points when the ROBOT is fully or partially inside the OBSERVATION ZONE at the end of a MATCH period." There is no requirement that the ROBOT must be touching any walls.
Asked by
answered Oct 15th 24
Q115 Does I301 apply to design?
I301 specifies that the robot and it's major mechanisms must be built by the team competing with them. Q1: Does this rule also apply to the design of these mechanisms, or only the physical construction of them? Q2: For example, would constructing your own drivetrain using another team's public CAD drivetrain design be permitted?
A1: This rule applies to the physical construction of these MECHANISMS/MAJOR MECHANISMS. You may use the design of the mechanisms, but you must build them per !I301 and !R306.
A2: Yes, that would be permitted per the same rules.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q116 Are servo travel tuners allowed?
In reviewing R502 and R506, we are unsure of the legality of a servo travel tuner. (https://www.gobilda.com/servo-travel-tuner/) R502 says a position output interface is allowed, but R506 states that alternative electrical actuation is not allowed. Please provide some guidance on the terminology. Thank you!
No, the goBILDA servo travel tuner is not legal for use in FIRST Tech Challenge. Its purpose is to intercept the control signal sent by a Power Regulation Device (in this case a REV Control Hub, REV Expansion Hub, or REV Servo Hub) and either pass through or generate a new signal to send to the actuator (servo). CUSTOM CIRCUITS (like the Servo Travel Tuner) are not allowed to control actuators per !R505.
!R502's "additional servo position output interfaces" allows for more than just the three-wire control and power interface to a servo, it allows for the servo to provide feedback. Some servos provide servo arm position through an analog interface, but there's no reason to limit servo feedback through specific interfaces.
!R506's "alternative electrical actuation" header is a colloquial summary of the rule; in !R506, additional actuators such as solenoids, electromagnets, and other methods of electrical actuation not listed (HASEL actuators are an example) are not allowed.
Asked by
answered Oct 15th 24
Q117 Running an OpMode after the MATCH
G406 allows DRIVE TEAMS to put down the ROBOT gamepads at the end of the MATCH while the ROBOT OpMode is still running, allowing the ROBOT code to keep powering motors to keep the ROBOT on the RUNG. G502 forces teams to press STOP on the DRIVER STATION app before entering the field. Q1: Are we allowed to run a different OpMode or operate our ROBOT to release it from the RUNG before we hit STOP? Q2: Can we also run motors to release SCORING ELEMENTS the ROBOT may still be holding on to?
No for both questions.
!G406 prohibits active control of a ROBOT after the end of the TELEOP period.
Additionally, !G413 prohibits ROBOT actions that case undue hazards to humans. Unexpected ROBOT movement during MATCH reset presents hazard to humans entering the field to retrieve ROBOTS that are supposed to be motionless.
The only actions that are allowed post MATCH are to ensure that the STOP button has been pressed as required by !G502 and retrieve the ROBOT without significant delay as noted in !G501
Asked by
answered Oct 15th 24
Q118 Legality of 5M GT2 Timing Belt
Is the 5M GT2 Timing Belt legal? Here is the link:
There's nothing inherently different about that timing belt than [any other kind of GT2 power transmission timing belt](https://www.gobilda.com/2mm-gt2-timing-belts/), which must follow the same COTS legality per !R301. However, regardless of how the timing belt is used, it is important to ensure the use of the part does not violate any other rules (including !R201, !R203 Part L, and so on).
Asked by
answered Oct 15th 24
Q119 AI generated images
Is there any impact in judging if the team creates a new logo for their shirts and engineering portfolio using an AI image generator
In the article, "[Expanding the FIRST Toolbox with Artificial Intelligence](https://community.firstinspires.org/expanding-the-first-toolbox-with-artificial-intelligence)", FIRST COO Chris Rake recognizes that AI can be a game changer for teams in FIRST. He also recognizes that it's the duty of every team to use AI, just like any other tool, responsibly. This includes providing proper credit for the source of the creative content. So long as proper credit for AI generated content is provided, this will be judged no different than using any other tool a team might use.
Asked by
answered Oct 15th 24
Q120 Cover Page Allowances on INTO THE DEEP portfolios
In Section A101 of the INTO THE DEEP Competition Manual v.1.1, part A lists several things that CAN be included on the cover page but are not required, except the team number. Can we have information on the cover page that is relevant to our unique team marketing but does not directly fall under one of the items on the list? (ie. having "headshots" instead of one team photo or country flags for our marketing approach) Does it count as one of our team's judged pages if allowed?
!A101 part A lists the required and allowed elements on a cover page. Items not specifically mentioned are not allowed. The first paragraph of the Orange Box on rule !A101 provides clarification that none of the cover page content will be used by JUDGES to evaluate any awards criteria.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q121 Sample/Specimen at the beginning of auto
When placing the robot on the field at the beginning of auto, does the robot have to be holding the specimen/sample or can the specimen/sample just be touching the robot.
Rule !G303 part I states that the robot starts the match "in contact with no more than the allowed pre-load possession limit as described in section 10.3.1 SCORING ELEMENTS." A: Either way is acceptable to begin a MATCH.
Asked by
answered Oct 15th 24
Q122 Robot Extension
It says in the manual that the robot can't extend in any way more than 42 in. If it can extend mechanically but is limited by the code, will it pass inspection?
We believe !Q65 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q123 What constitutes an active mechanism/throwing/shooting per Section 16?
Do these constitute an active mechanism, shooting, or throwing?
a Dropping from a height to the floor and rolls?
b Hits a static item deflecting the direction creating a rolling motion on floor?
c Tilt a slide - sample slides down using gravity, hits the floor and rolls?
d Lifting a slide, stop then tilt and gravity slides sample to the floor and roll?
e Slide tilts while moving upwards, sample slides, drops and rolls?
f Slide bottom curves upward causing a sliding sample to change direction?
Please read rule !G417, specifically the text in the orange box in. Any MECHANISMS that propel SCORING ELEMENTS horizontally may be considered LAUNCHING as perceived by the REFEREE.
Asked by
answered Oct 15th 24
Q124 Is team designed organizer legal for official competition
Our team has designed an Alliance Area Organize (https://drive.google.com/file/d/16OFqtwi6rEi8ywitNacwiB-qaYHmW6VA/view?usp=sharing) to assist field resetters in quickly organizing clips and preloads. Would it be legal to use this tool during official FTC competitions?
No, per rule !G302. An "ALLIANCE AREA organizer" is not an allowed item that the DRIVE TEAM may bring to a MATCH.
Asked by
answered Oct 15th 24
Q125 Is the Expansion Limit mobile in relation to the robot?
Q77 indicates that the expansion limit barrier and the robot stay stationary during inspection (glued to the floor). Can just the robot be stationary and the barrier moved
a robot has a single arm that can extend to the front and the rear of the robot making 41" end to end, but not simultaneously as it is only a single arm.
a robot with round base of 14" has a single arm on a turntable that can rotate 360º with a reach of 41" end to end.
No. Both the horizontal size boundary and the ROBOT are stationary when evaluating !R104.
Asked by
answered Oct 15th 24
Q126 G406 headline and text contradict
The headline for G406 states that "ROBOTS are motionless at the end of TELEOP", but the rules text for G406 only states that "ROBOTS must no longer be actively controlled by DRIVERS after the end of the TELEOP period." This would imply that ROBOTS may move autonomously without driver control, contradicting the headline's statement that they should be motionless. Which is correct?
This answer was edited on 11/21/20204
Section 1.7 states "Any disagreement between the specific language used in the rules and the colloquial language (headlines) is an error, and the specific rule language is the ultimate authority." The orange box of !G406 states that "DRIVE TEAMS should make their best effort to stop gameplay immediately at the end of the MATCH period". Any intentional ROBOT movement (in an attempt to receive additional points for a scoring achievement) would be considered continuing game play and a violation of rule !G406.
Asked by
answered Oct 15th 24
Q127 Ascent minor element legality Q12 Follow-up
Appreciate your response to Q12. I do have follow-up questions on your answer "a small portion of the linear slide enters the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE, the REFEREE is likely view the ROBOT's actions as a valid ASCENT start."
Are there any dimension details on "small portion/minor element" and how far the small element can enter into the zone? Our robot's minor element will lean into SUBMERSIBLE ZONE before latching on to Low Rung once robot put into Ascent mode.
Keep in mind this question was posted before the answer to !Q74 was published.
We believe !Q74 answers your question.
Please see [Team Updates 03](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
!Q12 has been edited to reflect the most current Team Update and Competition Manual Version.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q128 Can the robot not be contacting anything during ascent?
The two conditions for level 3 ascent are that the robot cannot be supported by the TILES or the robot cannot be supported by the submersible except if the robot is supported by the lower rung. Can the robot initiate level 3 ascend if it is supported by neither the tiles, the submersible, nor the low rung?
We believe !Q67 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q129 Cooling Motors
Q1: What ways can we cool motors? Q2: Is it legal to use self-made fans?
A1: This Q&A platform is designed for answering questions about the Competition Manual and related materials. If you have technology related questions, please visit [The FTC Community Forums](https://www.ftc-community.firstinspires.org). If you have a question about a specific rule, please reference the rule.
A2: It is legal to fabricate your own fan provided that it is safe per rules in !R203, with a reminder that any fan must be powered by legal actuators listed in !R501 and/or !R502.
Please also review !Q75 and if that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit your question.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q130 Vex VersaPlanetary Ratchet Slice
Given the changes to R307, COTS must be single DoF, allowing ratchet devices (H), would the Vex VersaPlanetary Ratchet Slice be allowed? https://www.vexrobotics.com/217-6048.html
Yes, the VersaPlanetary Ratchet Kit that you reference is an example of a ratcheting MECHANISM allowed by !R307 part H.
Asked by
answered Oct 15th 24
Q131 Repositioning samples
Suppose a sample is pushed into the net zone during auto, scoring 2 points. Then, during teleop this sample is picked up and placed into a basket. Will the 2 points from auto be deducted. or left in place?
In this scenario, the SAMPLE would count for AUTO points, and those points would not be deducted from the AUTO score if the SAMPLE was moved in TELEOP. Per section 10.5, "Accomplishments are officially scored at the end of each MATCH period based on the status of the FIELD".
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q132 Team numbers on the robot sign.
When putting the team numbers on the sides of the robot, are you able to have a wide distance between two parts of the team number to better fit the side plate? EX 55 55
There are no rules regarding the spacing between numbers on a ROBOT SIGN.
As stated in Section 12.4, the purpose of the ROBOT SIGN is to maximize FIELD STAFF'S ability to determine the team number and ALLIANCE of a ROBOT.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q133 Picking up samples from ascent zone of opposing alliance.
Q1: Can a robot pick up samples while in the ascent zone on opposing alliance (not during the last 30 seconds)?
Q2: If the robot is in the opposing alliance ascent zone while picking samples from the submersible and partially blocks access to submersible to the opposing alliance during TeleOp (not last 30 seconds), is this considered a penalty?
In general, the REFEREES will observe the gameplay actions during a MATCH and make determinations based on those observations. It is not possible to provide a blanket answer to your questions as there could be other factors that impact the calls.
A1 Yes
A2: No
Care should be taken to not violate any other rules, such as !G424
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q134 Clips as part of robot
Can you use clips as part of the robot?
No, per Rule !R304 - SCORING ELEMENTS are not allowed for ROBOT construction.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q136 Ascent questions
If a robot engages with the high rung to climb onto the low rung, disengages from the high rung, and then re-engages with the high rung to continue the climb, is that a valid level 3 ascent?
No, per section 10.5.3 (C.i).
See the related posts, !Q31, !Q59, !Q67, !Q110, for additional information.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q137 Further Clarification on Q123 - Active Mechanism
The answer to Q123 states "read rule G417, specifically the text in the orange box in. Any MECHANISMS that propel SCORING ELEMENTS horizontally may be considered LAUNCHING as perceived by the REFEREE."
Manual - V3
The words horizontal or propel are never used in the orange box or in G417. This leads us back to the Definition of Launching which was the intent of Q123.
"rolling/kicking across the floor with an active mechanism"
Do any of the 6 examples in Q123 constitute an "active mechanism"?
All but example A, dropping from a height to the floor, from question !Q123 constitute active MECHANISMS.
Asked by
answered Oct 22nd 24
Q138 Extending wires using same gauge as the manufacturer
Some devices, such as the Axon MICRO servo, come with included wire that is smaller than the minimum wire size listed in the game manual. (R615 lists the minimum at 22 AWG when the MICRO is 26 AWG) I understand that this is allowed under the "integrated wires" exception written below the rule, but is it then allowed to extend these wires with custom team-created ones that are the same diameter? (26 AWG in the example of the MICRO)
No. A minimum of 22AWG for PWM/Servo wire is required for team-supplied wires per !R615 regardless of the wire gauge integrated into the device itself.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q139 Legality of LED hardware
Can we use these LEDs on our robot: https://a.co/d/dwpndOZ
We plan to power them with this: https://a.co/d/dLkfYRn
We think that it is legal because:
- It is powered via USB.
- It does not use a wireless signal. (R709)
- Its USB battery pack will remain electrically isolated from the ROBOT power systems. (R602)
- We will not have any lights flash at 2Hz. (R203)
- We will be able to turn the entire thing off with one button if anyone finds it distracting or problematic.
Yes. Powering external LEDs with an external COTS USB battery pack is explicitly allowed under !R602 provided no other rules are violated, including those you mentioned.
Be fully aware that the LED sign you refer to requires a Bluetooth-enabled Smartphone App to program, which is not allowed within the competition venue per !E301. Fortunately the sign appears to power up with the last programmed display.
Asked by
answered Oct 17th 24
Q140 Crossing horizontal base bar.
There is a horizontal base bar (barrier) that prevents a robot from getting into the submersible area. Can we roll over the bar, use its support then hook to the level 2 bar to climb? In other words we would like to roll wheels over the lower bar and part of robot will be in submersible area but not touching the area. Will that be considered legal?
No, per section 10.5.3 (B). ROBOTS must start their ASCENT with their CHASSIS outside the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE.
Asked by
answered Oct 22nd 24
Q141 Can the robot chassis enter the submersible during ascent?
Assume that the robot chassis does not enter the submersible zone before ascent. Q1: Is it OK for the chassis to be in the submersible zone during the ascent attempt and while ascended? Q2: To be specific, is it OK for a wheel to enter the submersible zone after the robot is off the tiles? The new text that was added in V4.1 to the orange box after G420 seems to clearly state that the chassis should never enter the submersible zone. This is not stated in a rule, so it is confusing.
A1 and A2: Yes, rule !G420 and the accompanying orange box address ROBOT and CHASSIS constraints only at the start of an ASCENT.
Asked by
answered Oct 22nd 24
Q142 Students Switching Teams Mid-Season
Say a school has multiple FTC teams. If Team A advances to the next level of competition while Team B does not, is it legal for students from Team B to fill open spots on team A for the next round of competition?
This came up last year for us when one team out of four made it to Worlds and I gather from online posts and talking to teams at Worlds that there is no clear guidance from FIRST on this question.
There are no specific rules about students belonging to multiple teams or switching teams during the season. Please ensure all student members are registered appropriately per !I101 and that the ROBOT is representative of the team's collective work per !I301.
Asked by
answered Oct 24th 24
Q143 Clarification on Q93, pitch & roll center point
With the answer and TU#2 to Q93, about which point is the pitch and roll rotation defined around? R104 says it's relative to the chassis, but is that 1) a point on the tile floor below the center of the chassis when it is normally on a flat surface? 2) a point in the center of the chassis? If a robot somehow had a chassis that was 18x18x18, a 90 degree pitch would result in (1) about 11 inches of extension (2) about 7.5 inches total extension on the diagonal fore and aft (if my math is correct).
Keep in mind this question was posted before the answer to !Q151 was published.
We believe !Q151 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 31st 24
Q144 Clarification on 10.5.3 regarding extensions and orange box wording
With the TU#3 changes to 10.5.3, does this mean that an arm used for climbing can extend essentially any distance into the Submersible Zone as long as it complies with R104/G418? I'm thinking of an arm with a hook part way up but an intake out on the end which may be several inches inside the Submersible Zone when starting the ascent. Also, should the text "Once ROBOTS start their ASCENT, parts of the ROBOT may swing into the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE..." say "CHASSIS" instead of "ROBOT"-second instance?
Yes, it appears you are interpreting [Team Update 03](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined) correctly.
Asked by
answered Oct 22nd 24
Q145 Clarification on Q18.
The new rules that states that robots and human players cannot be directly or transitively controlling the same game elements in Team Updates 03. Does that mean that sliding the specimen along the wall is no longer allowed as both human player and robot would be touching the same game element which would break the new rule?
No. HUMAN PLAYERS may still slide the SPECIMEN along the wall, but must not be in contact with the SPECIMEN at the same time the ROBOT is in contact with it (per rules !G419, !G431 D, or !G432). Careful coordination among DRIVE TEAM members is crucial.
Asked by
answered Oct 24th 24
Q146 Clarification on Q17
In Team Update 03 the wording around samples with clips was changed to being a scoring element. Does this change the verdict from Q17 allowing the neutral sample with a clip to be hung from the baskets as it is now worth points?
No, section 10.5.1 states that a neutral SAMPLE with a CLIP attached in the NET ZONE or either the LOW or HIGH BASKETS have no score value.
Asked by
answered Oct 24th 24
Q147 Expansion limits
Is it legal if the robot software implements limits on expansion using encoder values of motors. Let's say there are two expansion modules on a robot that exceed 42 inches if extended at the same time. If the software limits extending one module if the other is extended beyond a certain value such that the total at any time would not exceed 42 inches, would this be allowed?
We apologize if this has been answered already indirectly.
No. Think about expansion as a cumulative footprint, not an instantaneous snapshot. If one expansion MECHANISM reaches a large distance in one direction, the expansion envelope for the ROBOT grows to that large amount. This would only leave a very small amount in the opposite direction, even if the original MECHANISM has been retracted.
Please review the answers to !Q64 and !Q13. If this doesn't answer your question, please rephrase and submit again.
Asked by
answered Oct 24th 24
Q148 Maximum number of student team members
Previous FTC Game Manual Part 1 and Mentor Manual documents have defined a team as "no more than fifteen (15) Student Team members." This definition is not present the INTO THE DEEP Competition Manual glossary and is not addressed in Section 3.1 Team Eligibility Rules. A 2024-2025 Mentor Manual is not published.
Is there a maximum number of Student Team members who can contribute to a team?
You are correct, there is no team member maximum listed as part of the Competition Manual and is not a rule.
However, we strongly encourage team coaches to appropriately size the team so that all students on a team can have an immersive and rich experience -- most teams find 6-12 is a good team size.
Asked by
answered Oct 23rd 24
Q149 Momentary Extension Limit Use Case for Ascent
Our robot fits well within the 20"x42" limits during Auton and Tele-Op, but we plan for a separate function for L2 Ascent during End Game. Our normal orientation would be Front to Back (F-B) <42" and Side to Side (S-S) <18". We would like to ascent from the side, while our F-B would be <18" and S-S would have a momentary arm that rotates up and then back down to lift the robot, during these momentary arm rotations, the Side to Side would be >20", while maintaining F-B < 18". Is this legal?
No. MOMENTARY only protects quick, inadvertent, and immediately resolved situations with durations fewer than approximately 3 seconds. MOMENTARY does not protect designs or strategies that violate the rule for strategic benefit. The violation of !G418 "MAJOR FOUL if the over-expansion is used for strategic benefit".
Asked by
answered Oct 22nd 24
Q150 Is there an inconsistency with scoring neutral samples with clips attached?
In team update 03, the definition of a sample was changed to include neutral samples with clips attached. However, in 10.5.1, neutral samples with clips attached can not be scored in the low or high baskets. Does that mean the only place a neutral sample with a clip attached can be scored is in the net zone? Is this intended?
There is no valid scoring location for a neutral SAMPLE with a CLIP attached.
Section 10.5.1 states that a neutral SAMPLE with a CLIP attached in the NET ZONE or either the LOW or HIGH BASKETS have no score value.
Asked by
answered Oct 24th 24
Q151 How is axis of rotation interpreted with respect to the horizontal bounding box?
Per Q93 & Q104 the boundary box is coplanar to the floor. How does the robot rotate within the box? Is it defined by the team per R104? Does the boundary “wrap” around the robot as it rolls? Is the axis of rotation always at the center of the chassis? Is it the physical axis the robot rotates about? Can there be a vertical component or is the axis always on the plane of the floor? Is it some other method I have not considered? This can significantly affect what is legal robot motion.
Per !R104 part B, the horizontal size boundary is coplanar to the TILE floor, it can only rotate in a single plane following the motion of the ROBOT CHASSIS. If the ROBOT'S CHASSIS is not completely resting on the TILE floor, a projection of the ROBOT'S CHASSIS onto the TILE floor can provide an approximate location for estimating the position of the horizontal size boundary for the ROBOT.
Asked by
answered Oct 31st 24
Q152 Using a sensor/camera with the human player in autonomous
This is a clarification question to Q111.
Are we permitted to use cameras or sensors to align the robot to a game element placed by the human player during autonomous?
For example, if the human player hangs a specimen on the field wall, are we permitted to align the robot with the specimen using a camera?
Yes, the ROBOT is allowed to use webcams (per !R715) and other CUSTOM CIRCUITS (per !R613) to detect SCORING ELEMENTS and achieve game objectives throughout the MATCH.
Asked by
answered Oct 24th 24
Q153 Interpretation of the 42" rule.
We have an elevating arm that can extend 40" forward. we do not extend it backward. however when we do our hang we back up to the hanging bar and crank the arm back. it does not go past vertical because it is constrained by the submersible. but the chassis is pulled up at an angle such that the arm, if viewed from the plane of the (now tilted) chassis is tilted backward. but in the plane of the mat it is not. it never goes past true vertical. is this a violation of the 42" rule?
This alone does not appear to be a violation of !G418. The horizontal size boundary remains coplanar to the TILE FLOOR throughout the MATCH, meaning it does not tilt or roll with the ROBOT (per !R104 part E).
Asked by
answered Oct 24th 24
Q154 Linear slider mount on a winch servo.
If we mount a linear slider on a winch servo to generate an angle of 30 degrees,for the sake of reach to the rung , is it legal from a degrees of freedom perspecitve ?
We believe the answer to !Q66 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 22nd 24
Q155 Level 3 Ascent.
Q1: May a ROBOT start a LEVEL 3 ASCENT, when it is supported by the LOW RUNG and touching the barrier, but didn't touch the TILES? Images of support by the barrier: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1--2wkCA-GXLaPuA-0k64z13Jh26IU_rX
Q2: Is this leagal https://youtu.be/B3SqLJdo6R0?si=PXXP6SwWlexf7q1J ?
The answer to this question was edited on 10/31/2024. Please see [Team Update 05](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined).
A1: We believe !Q49 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
A2: The limited view of the ROBOT's actions in the video appear to show a valid LEVEL 3 ASCENT. Assuming the ROBOT was off the ground before contacting the HIGH RUNG, this would be legal. REFEREES watching gameplay will make the final determination.
Asked by
answered Oct 24th 24
Q156 Human Player removing stuck Scoring Element
Assuming a Scoring Element is stuck in/on a robot; if the robot were to drive to the Observation Zone and the Human Player was to remove it (contacting just the Scoring Element and not touching the bot), would this only incur a Minor Foul (per G419 & G432? Are there any other repercussions for doing this?
In addition to !G419 and !G432 please consider that this action is an intentional violation of !G101. Disregarding safety rules to gain an advantage may be considered egregious and could escalate to !G211.
Asked by
answered Oct 24th 24
Q157 Resetting Specimens knocked out of the field.
If a robot bumps a Specimen out of the field when attempting to collect it from the wall of the Observation Zone, can the Human Player recover and replace it (presuming they do not violate G419 or G432), or is the Specimen (and it's component Clip and Sample) ruled dead for the remainder of the match?
Please see [Team Update 06](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q158 Human player prior to match
Can the human player arrange clips prior to auto provided they are outside of the field?
There are no rules which prevent this action provided no other rules are violated (example, !G301, !G428).
Asked by
answered Nov 20th 24
Q159 Can the software limited horizontal expansion slider expand vertically to full length?
Is it legal to have the slider in a horizontal expansion limited by the software to be well under 42 inches, then the same slider rotated to be vertical and expand to the full length of the slider?
As long as the horizontal size boundary is always observed (regardless of the orientation of the ROBOT MECHANISM), this would not violate !G418.
Asked by
answered Nov 12th 24
Q160 Starting position with sample
Rule G303, part E, talking about starting position, says "is fully contained within the FIELD and not in the NET ZONE or OBSERVATION ZONE." and part I says "in contact with no more than the allowed pre-load possession limit." Could a robot start next to the net zone, with a sample touching the robot, just inside the net zone? This would score 2 points for auto and 2 more for teleop without moving at all.
We believe !Q36 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 24th 24
Q161 Can game manual be updated to better convey the answers to Q16, Q45, Q49, Q50, Q69, Q155,
The Q&A questions listed help give clarity to the ASCENT scoring criteria however, 10.5.3.C.ii could be argued to contradict the Q&A. The Q&A states several places that tipping or swinging support is allowed by the vertical metal frame including the barrier. Could 10.5.3.C.ii be change to state "supported by any other part of the SUBMERSIBLE structure except for the LOW RUNG other than reacting forces due to the CG of the robot not being directly under the rung."
Please see [Team Update 05](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 31st 24
Q162 Does the human player have to be the same between AUTO and TELEOP?
If someone is the human player during the AUTO period, do they have to remain the human player during the TELEOP period, or may the team switch their human player between periods? For example, one team member is the human player during AUTO, would they be allowed to switch to driving in TELEOP and have someone else take their place as human player?
DRIVERS on the DRIVE TEAM must wear a "DRIVER" badge, as specified in Table 10-1, and the HUMAN PLAYER for the ALLIANCE must wear a "HUMAN PLAYER" badge.
As long as eligible DRIVE TEAM members are wearing the appropriate badges, and the DRIVE TEAM remains in their designated ALLIANCE AREA per rule !G428, there are no rules against swapping DRIVE TEAM roles during the MATCH.
Asked by
answered Nov 12th 24
Q163 COTS ITEMS Compliance Grippers and Slides
Single Degree of Freedom Grippers and Slides.
We have located a SDOF gripper and slide that are readily available via Amazon. They are servo driven, off the shelf items and are in compliance with the rules manual.
1. Readily available to all.
2. Not designed specifically for our game. Will be used as is.
3. Single degree of freedom actuation.
4. Will not damage the field of play or the game pieces.
Wanted to confirm that these are the parameters that we are working in.
We cannot comment absolutely on hypothetical COTS COMPONENTS or MECHANISMS. You are correct that !R307, as well as all other rules, must be adhered to when sourcing COTS COMPONENTS and MECHANISMS.
Asked by
answered Oct 31st 24
Q164 specifics on inspection and operation regarding the 42" length
We have a rotating arm that will only be used in the forward direction and will be well within the 42" length. However, using the teleop controls it is possible to override our limits and make it go backward which would exceed the 42" rule. We will not do this in the match, but the inspection process says that we must show ALL op modes. We have an articulated arm so we cannot physically constrain all backward motion. So are we ok as long as we never exceed the 42" rule during operation?
There is no requirement to show all OpModes during inspection.
Per !R104 ROBOTS during inspection are required to demonstrate hardware or software limits that constrain the ROBOT operation. This can be software that limits arm articulation based on an encoder value, hardware limits that prevent the arm from exceeding a specific range of motion, or similar.
If the override is necessary to use during a MATCH, teams should be sure to not violate rule !G418.
Asked by
answered Nov 21st 24
Q165 Picking up the dropped sample by the Robot form the Field
Are we allowed to pick a sample , which got dropped in the field during maneuver and proceed with the task ?
Will that be considered for Scoring ?
Or are we expected to ignore the dropped sample , and proceed to other sample?
There is no rule that prevents ROBOTS from retrieving unscored SAMPLES from the FIELD.
Asked by
answered Nov 12th 24
Q166 Pre-loaded SPECIMEN CLIP extending beyond FIELD at MATCH-start.
According to rule G303, at match start, a ROBOT must be “fully contained within the FIELD”. SPECIMENS are not part of a ROBOT. Also, HUMAN PLAYERS may hang SPECIMENS from the FIELD wall with a portion of the SPECIMEN outside of the FIELD.
Q: If our ROBOT satisfies G303, and does not violate G413 or G408, is it a legal MATCH-start position if a portion of the CLIP on a pre-loaded SPECIMEN (and only the CLIP) extends beyond the edge of the FIELD by a small amount (less than 1”)?
We believe !Q108 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 29th 24
Q167 placement of Specimen on perimeter wall in observation zone
Page 55 of the manual shows different placement locations for the specimen. Can the specimen be staged on the perimeter wall adjacent to the one shown in Fig 9-15, as long as it is within the observation zone?
Yes, both adjoining FIELD walls that bound the OBSERVATION ZONE are considered "adjacent FIELD walls to the OBSERVATION ZONE" for the purposes of Section 9.7.3 and hanging SPECIMENS.
Asked by
answered Oct 31st 24
Q168 G406 definition clarifications
G406 states that "DRIVE TEAMS should make their best effort to stop gameplay immediately at the end of the MATCH period." 1) Is the end of the MATCH period for TELEOP when the ARENA timer displays 0:00? 2) Per Q126, "Any intentional ROBOT movement [after the match] would be considered [...] a violation of G406". However, per Q78, a PID on an ASCENT mechanism would be allowed. Would a PID that automatically moves the robot from no ASCENT to, say, a LEVEL 2 or 3 ASCENT, be penalized under G406?
Please remember that the orange box is a clarification of the rule, not the rule itself.
A1: The end of each MATCH period occurs when the timer reaches ZERO seconds remaining in the match period.
A2: !Q78 specified that OpModes do not have to be stopped at the end of the MATCH, confirming the question's premise asking if an active OpMode may be used to keep the ROBOT from falling off a RUNG. !Q126 (answer updated 11/21/2024) confirmed that the ROBOT cannot continue to intentionally move in an attempt to receive additional points for a scoring achievement after the end of the MATCH (as opposed to unintentionally move, as in fall). A ROBOT that continues active motion (as opposed to swaying due to "physics") after the end of the MATCH will be penalized under !G406.
Asked by
answered Nov 21st 24
Q169 Gobilda U-channel Sharpness
Do the Gobilda U-channel edges or corners need to be filed or taped? Are they considered sharp under R202?
We cannot comment absolutely on situational scenarios. The ultimate decision would be determined by the Lead Robot Inspector at your event.
Asked by
answered Oct 31st 24
Q170 G401: "to press the (■) stop button before the end of AUTO either at the team’s discretion
Q1: If a team uses its discretion to press the stop, is the robot DISABLED for the rest of the match, the same as if REFEREES can declare a ROBOT DISABLED per T202? Or at the end of Auto, can the robot proceed to moving in TELEOP?
Example: a team programs the robot to move forward infinitely, and uses the stop to decide where on the field the robot ends during AUTO. There is no concern of damage to robots nor field.
The (■) stop button is a team's single opportunity to stop their ROBOT's AUTONOMOUS OpMode during the AUTO period - at their discretion - without affecting the rest of the team's MATCH. Once the AUTO period ends, teams can resume play during the TELEOP period, regardless of whether they stopped their AUTONOMOUS OpMode early or not.
Asked by
answered Oct 31st 24
Q171 Human Player - object limits
How many objects can a human player place in the observation zone?
Per rule !R431 A, there are no limits to the number of SCORING ELEMENTS that a HUMAN PLAYER can manipulate at a time.
Asked by
answered Oct 31st 24
Q172 Can the human player take out more than one sample at a time?
Can the human player take out more than one sample at a time
We believe !Q171 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Oct 31st 24
Q174 Questions on robot signs
1. Do the robot sign numbers have to be under 2.25” in height or can they be larger (e.g. 2.5” height)?
2. Are small pockets (e.g. 8mm circles to not interfere with M4 screw heads) breaking the robot sign legal, as long as the overall robot sign is still clearly visible?
3. Can things like wiring on the outside of the robot partially cover robot signs for part of the game (while still meeting the requirement of being identifiable from 12 ft away)?
A1: !R401 part C only defines a minimum height for the ROBOT SIGN.
A2: As demonstrated in Figure 12-4, the minimum sized ALLIANCE rectangle must meet all ROBOT SIGN rules.
A3: There are no rules that govern partial occlusion of the ROBOT SIGNS during operation of the ROBOT, as long as the ROBOT SIGNS still meet the requirements/rules specified in Section 12.4.
Asked by
answered Nov 12th 24
Q175 Can we use some sort of standalone visual LED sensor for safety of the robot?
Can we use some sort of standalone (not connected to control hub) visual LED sensor for safety of the robot? In order to avoid arm motor overheat we have hardware block to limit the movement of arm but we would like to add some sort of visual indicator as well for safety.
We cannot comment absolutely on hypothetical scenarios. LEDs and sensors (i.e. CUSTOM CIRCUITS) are allowed provided no rules are broken. If there is a rule question here, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q176 Level 2 or 3 Ascent Arm Extended into Submersible
When attempting a Level 2 or Level 3 Ascent, is it ok to deliberately extend an arm into the submersible zone to shift the center of gravity to help your robot hang more level? The robot would be fully supported only by the High Rung, and the chassis would end outside the submersible, (but will swing inside the submersible before stabilized), however, the arm would be extended beyond the rung, into the center of the submersible, to allow the robot to hang w/chassis in a more horizontal plane.
We believe !Q46, !Q74, and !Q141 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q177 USB Splitter
Our current driver hub has 3 ports, but 2 of them do not work. Are we allowed to have a usb splitter on the 1 remaining port to allow for both controllers to be connected with the REV Robotics Driver hub?
Yes. !R905 Part A allows for an external USB Hub on your OPERATOR CONSOLE.
Asked by
answered Nov 12th 24
Q179 Are you permitted to adjust preset scoring elements before the match?
10.3.1 states that "Teams may adjust the placement of SAMPLES on the SPIKE MARKS in front of their DRIVE TEAM as long as the SAMPLE completely covers the SPIKE MARK and there is no delay to the start of the MATCH." However, G101 states that "Other than actions explicitly allowed in section 11.4.6 Human, a DRIVE TEAM member may only enter the FIELD...to place
their ROBOT or...to collect their ROBOT."
Which of these rules is correct?
Please see [Team Update 06](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q180 Level 3 Ascent
Does the robot need to stay in level 2 ascent for any specified period of time prior to moving to level 3?
We believe !Q67 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Nov 12th 24
Q181 Level 2 Ascent While Touching the Horizontal SUBMERSIBLE Barrier
Can I get some clarification on Q112, Q45, and Team Updates 5?
In Team Updates 5 it says "ROBOTS which make incidental contact (e.g. not used for ROBOT support or stabilization) to the non-RUNG SUBMERSIBLE structural elements ...are still eligible for ASCENT points"
If our robot pulls up on the low rung and is no longer supported by the tiles but is still slightly resting against the horizontal SUBMERSIBLE barrier on the floor is the ascent legal?
We believe !Q112 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q183 DS3225PRO Specification
So far the DS3225PRO is listed from Inspection Quick Reference page 5 among Illegal Servos. https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/inspect-quick-reference
It seems the vendor has updated some previously over-claimed specification numbers, and the most recent 6V metrics should fall into the limit per:
Should this servo be allowed?
No. Before adding it to the illegal list, we independently measured the DS3225PRO servo to verify whether or not the servo exceeded the mechanical output limits - there were a lot of claims that the servo's rated specifications were overblown. The tested DS3225PRO servo measured within tolerance of the listed DSSERVO specs, still outside the legal ranges listed in !R502.
As such, the DS3225PRO is not legal for use in FIRST Tech Challenge.
Asked by
answered Nov 12th 24
Q184 De-powering of robot at the end of auto
It states that the robot cannot move during the 8 second transition phase between auto and teleop. Does the depowering of the robot at the end of auto violate this rule?
Please see [Team Update 06](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q185 What is the definition of projecting a sample
Is there specified rules that define projecting a sample. For example, does dropping a sample from a high place count as projecting? Does dropping the sample from the back with momentum count. Is it projecting if you outtake a sample with high speed at the wall of the observation zone while in the observation zone?
We cannot comment absolutely on hypothetical scenarios. The ultimate decision would be determined by the REFEREE at your event, with the final call made by the head REFEREE.
The term you should be applying is LAUNCHING per section 16 - Glossary.
Please see the orange box in rule !G417 which explains the intent of the rule.
Asked by
answered Nov 20th 24
Q186 Robot Sign Color Rule Clarification - Is Navy Blue or Dark Red Signs Allowed?
Rule R402 states that we must use a "solid red or blue opaque background to indicate ... ALLIANCE color". Per Merriam-Webster dictionary, opaque is defined as "blocking the passage of ... light".
According to this it would mean that any fully filled (non transparent) background for the red or blue alliance is legal. There are no rules referencing how dark or light the shades of blue or red can be on the sign.
For example, would Navy Blue or Dark Red Alliance color signs with white text be legal?
There is no defined RGB color for "red" or "blue" for ROBOT SIGNS, this is intentional to allow teams to best utilize available materials to create legal ROBOT SIGNS. The final decision of legality lies with the Lead ROBOT Inspector (LRI) at each event. If colors are dark enough that they're close to black and/or not easily distinguished as "red" or "blue", they're not likely to satisfy the requirements of !R402.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q187 Bring and show a 2nd robot for judging purposes?
Question about: G208 *Enter only 1 ROBOT. "This rule does not prohibit teams from bringing in ROBOTS from other FIRST programs for the purposes of awards presentations or pit displays." We would like to bring a second robot for judging sessions, since we anticipate that our 2 robots will be significantly different and would like to show the 2 robots to the judges. Is this allowed?
No. The orange box for G208 specifically talks about what constitutes "Entering" a ROBOT into an event.
It specifically mentions use of a ROBOT as an aid to judging as an example of entering a ROBOT into an event.
The allowance for ROBOTS from other programs is meant to provide more visibility into the breadth of the FIRST programs.
A secondary non-functional, non-playable robot like assembly used for judging only must not comply with the glossary term of ROBOT as defined in section 16 of the competition manual.
Teams may also use pictures, video, or animations to show past iterations of their ROBOT without needing to bring a robot like assembly for judging purposes.
Asked by
answered Nov 21st 24
Q188 Grabbing the HIGH RUNG first for a LEVEL 2 ASCENT
A ROBOT begins its ASCENT from outside the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE by contacting the HIGH RUNG and pulling itself up. At 3 seconds after the end of the match, the ROBOT is fully supported by the HIGH and/or LOW RUNGS. Is this scored as a LEVEL 2 ASCENT?
Starting an ASCENT by contacting the HIGH RUNG does not invalidate an otherwise legal LEVEL 2 ASCENT.
The ROBOT is not eligible for a LEVEL 3 ASCENT because it violated condition 10.5.3 (C.i).
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q190 Are programmed servo positions sufficient to limit hardware expansion?
The expansion limit rule states that "extensions may be software or hardware limited." If a servo is programmed and limited to two positions (A and B) for a swinging arm, is the robot measured only when it's at rest in these positions? Or is it measured as the programmed servo moves between positions A and B?
Will all intermediate arm positions be considered as the servo moves? Or will measurement focus only on the arm's farthest point from the chassis in either position A or B?
We believe the answer to your question lies in !R104 part D. "The maximum extent of all extensions of the ROBOT must be confined to the horizontal size boundary." For example, your robot may not temporarily extend/expand to 50"x30" as an intermediary to extending/expanding to 42"x20".
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q191 Combined operations allowed during TELEOP by single command from the driver
While designing the control of the robot in TELEOP we came to a question how much can we automated the actions of the robot during this period of the game?
Example can the drivers bring the robot close to the submersible and then push a button that will take automatically a sample? Or can the driver push a button and close to the basket and than the arm will go up to the exact position and drop a sample into the basket ?
We checked Section 11.4.2 and the glossary and no answer there.
There are no rules that prohibit or regulate automation of ROBOT functions during the TELEOP period while the MATCH is in progress.
Asked by
answered Nov 12th 24
Q192 Are computer fans allowed for cooling purposes
Are 5v fans common to CPU cooling allowed on the robot if it is also used for cooling purposes?
We believe !Q75 and the second part of !Q129 both answer your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q193 Is a dropped specimen that hangs on the robot considered to be "in control" by the robot
If, during game play, a robot drops a specimen and the hook causes the specimen to hang on the robot in such a way that it cannot be dropped, is that specimen still considered to be controlled by the robot. Will the robot be penalized for being in possession of multiple specimens if it continues game play with unusable specimen hanging from it.
Yes to both of your questions.
Please see the definition of CONTROL in the Competition Manual Glossary.
The definition specifically calls out "fully supported by or stuck in, on or under the ROBOT" as being CONTROLLED
Each time the ROBOT CONTROLS an additional SCORING ELEMENT while a SPECIMEN is stuck as you described, it would be subject to !G410 consequences
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q195 Does rule R712 E apply to encoders plugging into I2C/Digital/Analog ports?
Q1: R712 E says "jumpers may be changed from their default location".
We want to plug encoders from odometry wheels (no motors associated with them) into one of the other (identically shaped, identical voltage) ports, but our mentors want us to make sure that R712 E applies. Does it?
Q2: Additionally, the manual's Example 3 in R702 implies that the OctoQuad is now FTC competition-legal. Is this true?
A1: !R712 part E does not appear to apply to the described scenario, since nowhere in the described scenario are [jumpers](https://bit.ly/3UQEQ9L) described. However, there are no rules against plugging a CUSTOM CIRCUIT (all sensors, which include encoders, are considered CUSTOM CIRCUITS) into an I2C, Digital, or Analog port. Understand that the FTC SDK cannot natively support encoders plugged into any of these ports.
A2: Yes. The first sentence in the orange box under !R702 provides definitive insight into the legality of devices described in the orange box examples in !R702.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q196 Please clarify G405 and G406 as related to Motionless.
Both rules G405 and G406 mention the robot must be "motionless" at the end of the respective periods. G405 states "Any movement of the ROBOT or any of its MECHANISMS is not allowed during the transition period between AUTO and TELEOP". While G406 states "ROBOTS must no longer be actively controlled by DRIVERS after the end of the TELEOP period." Can the robot be moving at the end of teleop, for example swaying on the submersible with an ascend? Both rules have "must be motionless".
Rules include colloquial language, also called headlines, in an effort to convey an abbreviated version of the rule or rule set. Any disagreement between the specific language used in the rules and the colloquial language is an error, and the specific rule language is the ultimate authority.
A ROBOT swaying at the end of the TELEOP period is not in violation of any rules, provided it is not actively controlled by the DRIVERS per !G406.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q197 Level2 Ascend -
For a Level2 ascend, Q49 previously stated that you could touch the vertical face of the submersible "during an ASCENT and when ASCENDED is allowed". The new update to this answer has omitted "when ASCENDED". Is it a valid Level2 ASCENT if the robot is touching the vertical face of the submersible (to stop from tipping) and the weight of the robot is fully supported by Low Rung? As worded now, it sounds like you can only be momentarily touching the vertical face while trying ascend to Level 3.
Touching a vertical face of the SUBMERSIBLE to stop the ROBOT from tipping (i.e. stabilization) at the time a scoring determination is made at the end of the MATCH period invalidates a LEVEL 2 and LEVEL 3 ASCENT as specified in section 10.5.3. Specifically, the information about the "fully support" language in the orange box applies to this scenario.
The ROBOT in this scenario appears to satisfy the requirements for a LEVEL 1 ASCENT.
Asked by
answered Nov 20th 24
Q198 Launching game elements Clarification for Q123
During autonomous, our team uses active rollers to out-take game elements into the observation zone. When out-taking, the game elements gain some horizontal momentum. Is this considered launching and will it receive a penalty? Furthermore, will this change if the horizontal momentum offers a competitive advantage? For example, if we ejected the game element while we are outside of the observation vs while we are inside the observation zone?
The final assessment of LAUNCHING will be made by the REFEREES observing your MATCHES.
Please see [Team Update 07](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Dec 12th 24
Q199 What is considered as Block and getting penalty?
If one robot is blocking the opponent robot access to the opponent side BASKET or CHAMBER, under what scenario is considered violation of G424 and get penalty?
1. The robot is not intentionally intaking anything, but move next to opponent robot to block access
2. The robot sits next to the BASKET or CHAMBER, do not move, but leave some room for opponent to intake (block half access).
3. Does violation of G424 result immediate MINOR? Or judge will wait for 5 seconds before giving MINOR?
A1 & A2: These scenarios are covered in rule !G424 D
A3: Per rule !G424, the penalty is an immediate MINOR FOUL, plus an additional MINOR FOUL for every 5 seconds in which the situation is not corrected.
Asked by
answered Nov 21st 24
Q200 Is moving along basket but only completely blocking all path for 1s violating G424?
If the robot keeps moving next to the opponent basket back and forth (see https://ibb.co/cCP7xKb top left), in that process , the time it completely blocks all paths is only 1s when it is in the middle, and leaves space for other robot when it is closer to the wall in the other 2 seconds. It keeps doing that for many cycles. Because of that, the other robots have no chance to score the basket at all. Will that be considered blocked after MOMENTARY duration (3s)?
The final determination of violations of !G424 will be made by the REFEREES observing your MATCHES.
The sequence of movements you are describing is likely going to be considered blocking all access to the NET ZONE and BASKETS.
Asked by
answered Nov 21st 24
Q201 Can the preloaded specimen be hanging outside observation zone before auto?
Can the preloaded specimen be hanging on the field perimeter if it is not inside the observation zone or the net zone at the start of auto mode ?
We know during auto and teleop mode the human player may only introduce the specimen into the observation zone but the rules don't seem to say anything about pre-match setup before initialization.
The pre-load may be hung from the wall as long as all other criteria outlined in section 10.3.1 are met and no other rules are violated.
Asked by
answered Nov 26th 24
Q202 Reinitializing during Tele-op
Is Reinitializing during Tele-op allowed?
There is nothing in the Competition Manual that prohibits starting, stopping, changing, or re-initializing OpModes during TELEOP.
Asked by
answered Nov 20th 24
Q203 Is it ok if a sample or specimen controlled by the robot is out of the field perimeter?
When our robot picks up the specimen from the field fence, the specimen will go beyond the perimeter for a second. This does not violate 413.A. So is it OK when it happens?
Yes, as long as no other rules are violated (such as rule !G413 A).
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q204 G427 clarification
Q1: In the last 30 seconds, if a robot A sits in its own ASCENT ZONE, then intentionally drive out (or extend some components out) to touch the opponent's robot B outside the zone, while himself is still in the zone, will this robot A get level 3 hang automatically, and award another major penalty 15 points? When should G210 kick in?
Q2: Or, if the opponent robot B moves outside the zone, intentionally blocks or touches this robot A inside own zone driving out, what will happen?
A1: In this scenario, !G210 applies immediately to ROBOT A, and ROBOT B is excused from FOULS. ROBOT A will not earn a LEVEL 3 ASCENT automatically.
A2: ROBOT B would be in violation of !G427 if it contacts ROBOT A while ROBOT A is in their own ASCENT ZONE.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q205 Can you share ground and 5v wires?
Rule number 505 that each servos needs to be controlled by a power regulating device with a load limit. Does this allow for 2 or more servos to use a shared ground and power wire if both wires are made from merged wires off the ports as seen in this photo? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tp92gXfC-jFzlmABzf2vDbPKK2QbOsL_/view?usp=sharing
No, this would violate !R619 part B.
!R505 does allow you to use a servo Y-cable (or equivalent) to control up to two servos per port.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q206 Is recasing expansion hubs allowed?
As per R712, it says modifications are not permitted explicitly to "Android-based ROBOT CONTROLLER device." Does this make it legal to make a custom enclosure for the expansion hub, because it is not an "Android-based ROBOT CONTROLLER device."
The REV Expansion Hub is explicitly listed as a Power Regulation Device in Table 12-7 in !R614. As such, !R712 prohibits modifying (especially recasing) a REV Expansion Hub.
Asked by
answered Nov 19th 24
Q207 Clarification on Q83 - Interaction in Autonomous
Can you specify more specifically what the drive team (coach and drivers) is allowed to do and/or not allowed to do with regards to the Driver Hub (or Station) during Autonomous?
Background - our team was penalized for holding the Driver Hub during Auto, even though nothing was touched on the screen after starting the program. The penalty was later reversed (did not alter the outcome of the match) because the action did not qualify as interaction according to A1 in the answer to Q83.
The Competition Manual rules that dictate DRIVER STATION or OPERATOR CONSOLE interaction during AUTO include: !G401, !G402, !G403, !G414, and !G429. Specifically, !G429 A states that it is legal for a DRIVE COACH to hold the DRIVER STATION device.
Asked by
answered Nov 26th 24
Q208 are there Vertical limits on high the arm of robot can reach?
High Basket is 43" how can we have arm that limits to 42" and reach this? is the 42" limit only for horizontal reach? Our robot has claw at end of the arm that rotates to reach high basket aka will be beyond 42". is that a violation?
Per rule !R104 A, there is no vertical height limit for robot extensions. The 42" limit is the horizontal limit.
Asked by
answered Nov 21st 24
Q210 Clarification on 10.5.3 orange box regarding to lateral contact
The orange box in 10.5.3 states - “Lateral contact with non-RUNG elements of the SUBMERSIBLE is allowed for stabilization of the ROBOT while ASCENDING. ” Question: when the ROBOT achieve ASCENDED, i.e. ROBOT is not in contact with TILE, however, it's side panel laterally contact the barrier of SUBMERSIBLE. Is that a legal level 2 ascent?
We believe !Q112 and [Team Update 05](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined) answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Nov 26th 24
Q211 Ascent Foul Clarification
According to G427, contact between opposing alliance robots when one of the robots are in the ascent zone during endgame results in a major foul and an automatic level 3 ascent. Q1: if a foul occurs, and a robot is automatically give a level 3 ascent, are they required to still attempt an ascent in order to get the ascent points? Q2: Are there restrictions on alliance robots intentionally trying to get hit while in their ascent zone to get the foul points?
We believe !Q204 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Nov 21st 24
Q212 Follow up question on Q174
Q174 was about the robot sign numbers, not about the sign height itself, and we would like to clarify if the diagram before and the rules in R403 mean that the height of the numbers on the robot sign can be more than 2” tall (all the way up to even say 3”).
!R403 part A requires ROBOT SIGN team numbers to be nominally 2 inches tall. Nominal is defined in the orange box below rule !R403.
Regardless of the number size, !R403 B requires a minimum of 1/4" of background surrounding the numbers.
Asked by
answered Nov 26th 24
Q213 Question about the ascend zone violations
G210 states that teams should not aim to force the other alliance to incur penalties, but G427 says that the penalty and ascent level 3 will be awarded regardless of which robot initiates the contact while in the ascent zone. If a team was to intentionally move or extend to make contact with the other alliance while remaining in the ascent zone, with the intent to receive a level 3 climb, which rule would take precedence and would the team or the opposing alliance be penalized?
We believe !Q204 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Nov 21st 24
Q214 When building our robot, can we use Gobilda or other types of Limit Switches?
The product link: https://www.gobilda.com/micro-limit-switch-roller-lever-2-pack/
Yes, provided all rules are followed, including !R615 and !R619.
Asked by
answered Nov 21st 24
Q216 Human Player Permissible Actions During Auto
During autonomous, can the human player slide a specimen along the wall when the robot is in the observation zone as long as the human player does not break the playing field plane, is holding the specimen by the clip (along the outside wall), and lets go before the robot grabs it?
We believe !Q18 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Nov 26th 24
Q217 Using Hooks and a winch cable for ascent, not launched
Our current design for ascent uses hooks mounted magnetically to rigid servo arms on the robot. When the servo arm contacts one of the rungs, the robot will retract a tethered cable breaking the hook from the magnet and winching up the robot as the cable is wound in. Is this process legal based on Rule G209 as the hook is not operated independently even though it is tethered to the robot.
This question was edited on 12/4/2024
Based on the description, this design would be legal, since the hooks are mounted to the ROBOT, do not move or operate independently from the ROBOT, and do not detach from the ROBOT.
Keep in mind to not violate other rules related to entanglement such as !R203 L, !G416 D, and !G422.
A future team update will be released to remove the second sentence from rule !G209 for clarity. The intent of the rule is that ROBOTS do not detach parts or leave parts on the FIELD.
Asked by
answered Nov 26th 24
Q218 Use of tool or remote control after match is over to lower from ascent
We use a worm gear to power an arm that we use for climbing. Once the match is over, can we bring a wrench onto the field to reverse the worm gear to lower the robot from the submersible?
If no, can we use the remote control before anyone enters the field to reverse the worm gear to lower the robot?
If no, can we include a tool attached to the robot (e.g. a small 3D printed nut driver that hangs from the robot via a string) that we use to reverse the worm gear to lower the robot?
Bringing a wrench onto the FIELD to manually drive a worm gear on your ROBOT is acceptable, so long as !G501 is adhered to. A remote control would not be allowed due to !G406, !G502, and related since ROBOTS are not allowed to be controlled after the end of the MATCH. A tool attached to the ROBOT is okay as long as it is rigidly attached to the ROBOT.
Asked by
answered Nov 26th 24
Q219 42" limit exact rules
There was a controversy at our tournament yesterday so I would like a plainly stated answer.
We have a bot with an arm that extends 42" forward. In principle it could also extend 42" backward. We have automated software that ensures that it operates only in forward mode but it is theoretically possible for the operator to override this such that the arm would go backward and the 42" rule would be breached. I understand that this would result in a penalty but is the bot legal to participate?
Please see [Team Update 07](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Dec 12th 24
Q220 Ruling regard robot debris in Observation Zone
How is robot debris treated wrt penalties? If a part falls off of a robot in the Obs Zone, is that part considered part of the robot still or is it debris and disregarded? Is a penalty applied if the Human Player enters the zone while debris is present? What if they touch it? Is OZ off limits for remainder of match if this happens? Does this change based on size of debris (washer vs bumper)? A yellow card was issued for violating rules due to this happening at a regional. We would like clarity.
Please see [Team Update 07](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Dec 12th 24
Q221 Clarification on the use of "fully support" in 10.5.3
If a robot is contacting and supported by the LOW RUNG at the end of the match and robot wiring happens to make contact with TILES, should this be interpreted as "fully supported" as robot wiring cannot reasonably support the weight of the robot?
Should this be scored as a level 1 ASCENT or level 2 ASCENT?
In the described scenario, the ROBOT would not be considered fully supported by the RUNG and would only receive a LEVEL 1 ASCENT.
Asked by
answered Nov 26th 24
Q222 RE: Q96, Can Samples be pushed under the Barrier?
Presently, the answer to Q96 states that there is no FOUL for pushing SAMPLES under a barrier of the SUBMERSIBLE. We've confirmed that doing so does not cause any damage.
We want to confirm that there is no FOUL for pushing multiple SAMPLES at a time under a barrier per G410(C). We also want to confirm that there is no FOUL for pushing opposing ALLIANCE SPECIFIC SAMPLES under a barrier per G411.
The described strategy would likely result in FOULS called by the REFEREE per !G410 and !G411, as both examples are versions of CONTROL.
Asked by
answered Nov 26th 24
Q223 Clarification of Q217
Q217 states "Hooks and a winch cable for ascent" is illegal, but we want to clarify.
We used our slides to raise the hook to high bar so hook is fully controlled by the slide.
Once hook is on high bar, robot will pull a string connected to hook, to raise the robot up. The hook is always connected with the robot and can't move independently. There is "No intentionally detach or leave a part on the FIELD". Is this legal?
String pull was common for hang. We should not ban it in later season.
We believe the update to !Q217 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Dec 5th 24
Q224 Rephrasing and Resubmitting Q222
Presently, the answer to Q96 states that there is no FOUL for pushing SAMPLES under a barrier of the SUBMERSIBLE... Q1: We want to confirm that there is no FOUL for MOMENTARY CONTROL of multiple SAMPLES that are in the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE per G410(C). Q2: We also want to confirm that there is no FOUL for MOMENTARY CONTROL of opposing ALLIANCE SPECIFIC SAMPLES per G411. Presently, “MOMENTARY” is defined as "fewer than approximately 3 seconds" in the Competition Manual.
We cannot comment absolutely on hypothetical scenarios. The ultimate decision would be determined by the referee at your event, with the final call made by the Head referee.
The answer to !Q96 states there are no rules against pushing SAMPLES under the barrier, but specifies that teams should be cautious of violating other rules when employing this or other strategies to play the game.
A1: Correct, as long as the SAMPLES are still in the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE.
A2: Correct
The purpose of the answer to !Q222 is to warn teams that it is possible to receive FOULS when employing strategies that might violate rules, for example, !G424.
Asked by
answered Dec 5th 24
Q225 Looking for clarification on Q217
Would this method of hanging be legal under this year's rules? It was legal last year.
We believe the update to !Q217 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Dec 5th 24
Q226 Clarification of Q217
Want to clarify Q217. We think G209 intention is to disallow “intentionally detach or leave a part”
1. If a robot pulls hook up via a tight string so they never move independently, should that be legal as no "intentional detach"? Many teams hang with such design last season LEGALLY with same rule G24. It hurts many teams' hard work when changing a rule in later season and banning "string hang" which used to be legal in the past.
2. if robot drags hook on field with a string, that is illegal?
We believe the update to !Q217 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Dec 5th 24
Q227 Clarification on Q217 banning string hook hanging mechanism
Our team has used a similar string hook-hanging mechanism during the 2016 season and again last season, and it has been considered legal for many years. What is the reasoning behind banning it this year, especially after nearly three months into the season? Is this decision related to safety concerns?
We believe the update to !Q217 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Dec 5th 24
Q228 Universal joints legal?
Are universal joints, such as https://www.gobilda.com/4005-series-pattern-mount-universal-joint-16-1/ , legal?
Please see [Team Update 07](https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/tu-combined). If that does not answer your question, please rephrase and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Dec 12th 24
Q230 Launching vs. Expelling samples into the Bucket
Our team designed a self-aligning sample pickup. The design has a spring for the locating bar to have resistance and stay in position. When releasing the sample, the spring releases, causing the scoring element to expel through normal operation (G417). Video of the operation:
We don't think this is considered launching, since the arm is over the bucket, and not taking advantage of a forceful motion to launch it into the bucket. Please advise
Based on the actions shown, it does not appear to violate rule !G417 as this is an active manipulator expelling SCORING ELEMENTS through normal operation. Keep in mind that REFEREES will have the ultimate authority in determining if a ROBOT is LAUNCHING SCORING ELEMENTS at any other time during the MATCH.
Asked by
answered Dec 5th 24
Q231 Can a robot plow samples reaching under the submersible barrier?
Q1: Would reaching under the submersible barrier with an extension and pushing multiple samples momentarily using a flat or convex surface (to clear a small amount of space for lowering an intake) but keeping the samples within the submersible be allowed? Q2: Would it matter if the extension is in a fixed position relative to the drive base during this action, or if it moves independently to sweep?
A1: Yes
A2: No, it does not matter.
Asked by
answered Dec 5th 24
Q232 ROBOT SIGNS background color size
When measuring the 1/4" of background color surrounding the numbers as outlined in R403, would this measurement be made by assuming the presence of a rectangle surrounding the numbers then seeing if there is 1/4" of color, or would it be measured by determining if there is at least 1/4" of colored offset from the numbers on the ROBOT SIGNS?
This is assuming that the signs meet the minimum height and width of the numbers and signs as a whole.
The ALLIANCE specific color must fill a minimum rectangle of 6.5" x 2.5" and must contain the team numbers and 1/4" of background color as demonstrated by the OK portion of Figure 12-4.
Asked by
answered Dec 5th 24
Q233 Inset team numbers
Our team wants to make team numbers which are red/blue plates with number-shaped holes on a black background. This way, when viewed from afar it looks like our team number is written in black on a red/blue background. From up close it might be visible that it's not, but it will still look similar to that. Both the number and the plate's color will be clearly visible from 12ft away. Is this legal?
!R403 requires team numbers to be displayed as white.
Asked by
answered Dec 3rd 24
Q234 Connect 2 motors to a single port on Control Hub
Can we connect 2 motors to a single port on Control Hub? is that allowed, per the rules?
Table 12-3 in rule !R505 allows two motors per motor port.
Asked by
answered Dec 3rd 24
Q235 Can ROBOTS be pre-loaded with CLIPS?
10.3.1 does not make reference to individual CLIPS unattached to SAMPLES except for the statement that "...CLIPS not pre-loaded will remain in setup locations...". Q1: Does this mean that ROBOTS can be pre-loaded with CLIPS, provided that the limit of one SAMPLE is not violated?
Q2: If the answer to Q1 is yes, is there a limit to the number of CLIPS a ROBOT can be pre-loaded with?
A1: No, individual CLIPS (i.e., not attached to a SAMPLE) are not listed as an allowed pre-load object in section 10.3.1.
A2: Not applicable.
Asked by
answered Dec 3rd 24
Q236 Are SPECIMENS fully supported by a CHAMBER but still in contact with a ROBOT scored?
In situations where a SPECIMEN is fully supported by a CHAMBER but is still in substantial contact with a ROBOT (such that if the ROBOT were to be instantaneously removed the SPECIMEN would immediately be considered scored), would the SPECIMEN still be considered "fully supported"?
SPECIMENS that are clearly and primarily supported by the appropriate CHAMBERS should be considered SCORED regardless of incidental contact with ROBOTS of either ALLIANCE.
ROBOT contact that is clearly providing the primary support for the SPECIMEN would result in the SPECIMEN not being counted as SCORED.
Asked by
answered Dec 3rd 24
Q237 Can I use the high rung hook to move the robot to the low rung position?
The robot is designed with two hooks. The first hook, controlled by a linear slide, is used to place it on the high rung. This hook helps the robot transition to the low rung, where the second hook secures the robot on the low rung, allowing the first hook to release from the high rung. The robot then uses the linear slide to move the first hook back to the high rung and subsequently returns to the high rung. Is this method legal for earning 30 points? Or 15 points? Or illegal? Thanks,
The ROBOT is eligible for a LEVEL 2 ASCENT if the scoring criteria in section 10.5.3 are satisfied.
The ROBOT is not eligible for a LEVEL 3 ASCENT because it contacted the HIGH RUNG while it was supported by the TILES.
Asked by
answered Dec 3rd 24
Q238 Sample Prevented from Falling to the Ground by the Wall while Specimen is Acquired
In the Observation Zone, Robot releases a Sample, but the Sample is prevented from falling by the wall. While still against the wall, Robot acquires a Specimen. Upon acquiring the Specimen, Robot drives away from the wall. As soon as Robot leaves the wall, the Sample completes its fall to the ground. Is Robot in CONTROL of both a Sample and a Specimen during the 1 second Robot is against the wall with the Specimen before leaving the wall and having the Sample finish its fall to the ground?
No, in the described scenario, the SAMPLE does not fall under the definition of CONTROL.
Asked by
answered Dec 3rd 24
Q239 Using diodes in parallel with limit switches
What about wiring a diode in paralel with the switch in order to allow the motor to work in reverse after hitting the switch?
No, this would violate !R618 Part D.
Asked by
answered Dec 3rd 24
Q240 Level 1 Ascent scored at the end of the Auto period for 3 points?
It looks like in 10.5.4 Point Values that robots can earn 3 match points for a Level 1 Ascent during the Autonomous period, as an alternative to parking in the observation zone. This makes sense to us, to prevent both robots from trying to be in the same place at the end of autonomous for parking purposes. Is that correct?
Yes, a LEVEL 1 ASCENT in AUTO earns 3 points for the ALLIANCE. Table 10-3 in section 10.5.4 specifies the AUTO and TELEOP scoring achievements and their MATCH point values.
Asked by
answered Dec 5th 24
Q241 Can a robot complete an ASCENT after the buzzer starts without driver input?
q1: G406 states that ROBOTS are motionless after TELEOP, but then says that they may not be "actively controlled". What does "actively controlled" mean?
q2: 10.5A states that ASCENT will be scored after 3 seconds or when ROBOTS stop moving, implying that ROBOTS can finish an ASCENT after the end of the match.
If a ROBOT was to finish an ASCENT after the end of the match, but within 3 seconds, and the driver has already set down their controller at the end of the TELEOP, how should a ref rule?
We believe !Q168 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Dec 10th 24
Q242 Field element as scoring element
We are excited to inform you that we recently participated in our first scrimmage, during which a referee raised concerns about the legality of our robot. The issue at hand revolves around the fact that we incorporated a superstructure using materials from last year's Center Stage Field Truss. Although modifications were made including cutting it down and adding servos and gears, the question raised by the referee is whether this constitutes a "scoring element" or simply a repurposed
!R304 only legislates the use of current season SCORING ELEMENTS or replicas of current season SCORING ELEMENTS. FIELD structure is not considered a SCORING ELEMENT, and would be legal unless it could be easily mistaken as a SCORING ELEMENT (or a replica of a SCORING ELEMENT). There are no obvious violations from the description provided.
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answered Dec 10th 24
Q243 Are we in control of 2 samples after push to Observation zone and take specimen from wall
During auto we push a sample into the observation zone then we go to the wall to pick up specimen off the wall, if after we push the sample into the observation zone and we grabbed the specimen off the wall, is that considered as possession of two? . Are we in control of a sample and a specimen when we are just touching the sample, while the robot is not moving but grabbing the specimen?
If the ROBOT is merely in contact with the SAMPLE in the OBSERVATION ZONE while attempting to collect the SPECIMEN, this would not be considered CONTROL per the definition.
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answered Dec 10th 24
Q244 Gamepad menuing before match start
Q1: Are teams permitted to use gamepads to configure settings of their Autonomous OpMode while the OpMode is initialized, before the match starts?
Q2: Are referees required to wait for the team to finish this configuration before starting the match? (assuming the team is not in violation of G301)
A1: Yes, there are no rules that legislate the use of gamepads or the DRIVER STATION device prior to the start of the MATCH, assuming !G301 is not being violated.
A2: Each ALLIANCE is given an equitable amount of time to prepare for each MATCH. If a REFEREE determines the ALLIANCE is not making good faith efforts to become MATCH ready, violations described in rule !G301 may apply.
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answered Dec 10th 24
Q245 10.5.3 Fully Supported
Q221 recently asked if wires touching TILES would invalidate fully supported, and the answer was yes. Would it be the same answer if it was a "non-RUNG SUBMERSIBLE structural element" ex the bottom crossbar or diagonal leg instead of tiles?
Answer 221 was clear and concise but the orange box (10.5.3 V6) has an entire paragraph about intent that seems to have some gray area. Would it also be a definitive no ascent if it were a zip-tie or other flexible robot part that made the contact?
We believe !Q112 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Dec 10th 24
Q246 Is this servo rotation inverter legal?
For a unique usage, we want to reverse the servo rotation. Can we use this inverter from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L2N7C12/ref=sspa_dk_hq
No. Its purpose is to alter the control signal sent by a Power Regulation Device (in this case a REV Control Hub, REV Expansion Hub, or REV Servo Hub) and either pass through or generate a new signal to send to the actuator (servo). CUSTOM CIRCUITS (like the rotation inverter) are not allowed to control actuators per !R505.
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answered Dec 10th 24
Q247 Are we allowed to attach the game piece clip to our robot?
Our team wanted to attach the game piece clip -that is on specimens - onto our robot, is that allowed? This is not to attach onto a specimen.
A CLIP used as part of ROBOT construction would be in violation of rule !R304.
Per section 10.3.1 of the Competition Manual, CLIPS cannot be pre-loaded as part of pre-MATCH setup. Only SPECIMENS and SAMPLES may be pre-loaded.
Asked by
answered Dec 10th 24
Q248 Legality of “rake system” to relocate samples outside of submersible zone
Our team has an idea for using a “rake system” to push multiple samples from the submersible zone to the main game area simultaneously. We believe that this should be legal by rule G410.C, as we would only be in control of the samples momentarily. Would such a system be allowed in gameplay?
We cannot comment absolutely on hypothetical scenarios.
Rule !G410 C only provides an exception for MOMENTARY excess CONTROL while SAMPLES are in the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE. SAMPLES that are no longer in the SUBMERSIBLE ZONE are no longer covered under !G410 C and subject to penalties for SAMPLES CONTROLLED over the limit.
The ultimate decision would be determined by the REFEREE at your event, with the final call made by the Head REFEREE.
Asked by
answered Dec 17th 24
Q249 Legality of Voltmeter via R618
In reading R618, it would appear that a voltmeter is allowable. Is this assesment correct?
That is a correct interpretation of the !R618 orange box.
Asked by
answered Dec 17th 24
Q250 Reconsider ASCENT interference ruling when both robots are in the SUB
Our team was told that any contact within the sub the final 30 seconds of the match between separate alliances robots while both are in their ASCENT ZONE results in a MAJOR FOUL and an automatic LEVEL 3 ASCENT for both robots.
In many matches, all four ROBOTS are collecting samples during the final 30 seconds of the match, making it likely for contact to happen. This penalty makes it hard to safely collect samples at the end of a match. Is this the correct interpretation of the rule?
Yes, this is the correct interpretation of rule !G427.
Asked by
answered Dec 17th 24
Q251 Rule A114 Clarification
Rule A114 states "Teams are only eligible to win 1st place Inspire Award once per season from any Qualifying or League Tournament."
Does this also apply to Super Qualifiers and Regional Championships (which are also a qualifying tournament that advance teams)?
Per section 4 - Advancement, teams may only participate in one Super Qualifying Tournament, and therefore would be eligible for consideration for the Inspire Award at that event level once.
All *FIRST* Tech Challenge Regions (except Michigan) only host one Regional Championship Event. Per rule !A113, teams are only eligible to be considered for Inspire within their home region.
Asked by
answered Jan 2nd 25
Q252 Can an off-site 3D Printer be used to make replacement parts during an event?
E108 indicates, at an event, teams may only produce FABRICATED ITEMS in certain areas. Do 3d printed parts fall into this category? If, due to space constraints, a 3d printer is in a team member's hotel room, could this be used during an event to print a replacement for a broken part? Or must the printer be in the pit area? If so, how does this work with R305 allowing work to occur outside of pit hours; where a part may need to be printed for repair when the pits are closed?
!E108 only legislates where fabrication may be performed while on-site at an event. A 3D printer in a team member's hotel room is not at the event and is not legislated by !E108.
Asked by
answered Dec 17th 24
A ROBOT is completely outside a ZONE. While outside, the ROBOT begins CONTROLLING a SCORING ELEMENT that is inside the ZONE. Is the ROBOT considered inside the ZONE if the SCORING ELEMENT it CONTROLS is inside the ZONE? The ROBOT itself remains completely outside the ZONE.
If no part of the ROBOT is in the ZONE (as defined in section 9.2 Areas, Zones, and Markings), the ROBOT is not in the zone.
A SCORING ELEMENT is not part of the ROBOT construction (per rule !R304), therefore cannot be used in determining location of the ROBOT.
Asked by
answered Dec 19th 24
Q254 Will intentional touch opponent robot in ASCENT zone still get level 3 hang point?
Q250 said "any contact within the sub the final 30 seconds of the match between separate alliances robots while both are in their ASCENT ZONE results in a MAJOR FOUL and an automatic LEVEL 3 ASCENT for both robots" by G427. What if robot A is hanging in own ASCENT zone, robot B in other alliance sits in B's ascent zone, extend its intake to touch A cross submarine. Will both A and B get penalty and level 3 hang? If yes (even out points), this seems against intention to protect climbing robot
If both ROBOTS are engaged in normal gameplay and contact occurs as described, both ROBOTS would be assessed a !G427 violation and receive a MAJOR FOUL and the award of a LEVEL 3 ASCENT.
If the determination by the REFEREES is that either ROBOT is making contact in attempt to force a !G427 violation, the forcing ROBOT would be guilty of a !G210 violation, assessed a MINOR FOUL and the forced ROBOT would not be considered to have violated !G427.
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answered Dec 19th 24
Q255 Does sitting on the submersible barrier during ascending invalidate level 3 hang?
If a robot hangs on the low RUNG first, then sits on the submersible barrier (not touching ground) while grabbing the high RUNG to hang, is that legal to get a level 3 hang score? 10.5.3 only says you can't be supported by a tile, or grasping any other part of the submersible structure except for the LOW RUNG.
We cannot specifically rule on ROBOT designs.
Given that all other rules are followed, this would be legal as long as criteria in section 10.5.3 are met: C i (no contact with TILES directly or transitively through other objects like SCORING ELEMENTS) and C ii (not grasping any other part of the structure).
Please also reference rule !G420.
Asked by
answered Dec 19th 24
Q256 G427 Will contact inside submarine for intake cause level 3 point and penalty
G427 tries to protect climbing robot. If in end game, A sits in ascent zone and extend intake into submersible, B sits next to chamber and extend intake. Both are grabbing samples and intake touches each other. Will that cause automatic level 3 Hang plus major penalty points (45 points total) to A?
If both ROBOTS are engaged in normal gameplay and contact occurs as described, ROBOT B would be assessed a !G427 violation and receive a MAJOR FOUL and ROBOT A would be awarded a LEVEL 3 ASCENT.
If the determination by the REFEREES is that ROBOT A is making contact in attempt to force a !G427 violation, the forcing ROBOT would be guilty of a !G210 violation, assessed a MINOR FOUL and ROBOT B would not be considered to have violated !G427.
Asked by
answered Dec 19th 24
Q259 Level 2 Ascent
"If touching ground barrier from the side (with side force, no vertical force) is not considered as support, can a robot hanging on low rung but touching ground barrier from the side at the END of the game be considered as Level 2 ASCENT?" A similar question was asked in Q71, but the referral to Q49 that was provided doesn't answer the question, as Q49 was asking about the process of ASCENDING, and not the ASCENT at the end of the game. Can we have a definitive "Yes" or "No" to this question?
Table 10-2 in section 10.5.3 requires the ROBOT to be fully supported by the HIGH and/or LOW RUNGS for a LEVEL 2 ASCENT at the end of the MATCH. The intent of the use of "fully support" is specified in the orange box following the table.
The type of support at the end of the MATCH period described in the question invalidates a LEVEL 2 ASCENT.
Asked by
answered Jan 2nd 25
Q260 Would resting on the barrier score a level 2 ascent?
The competition manual says that "ROBOTS which make
incidental contact (e.g. not used for ROBOT support or stabilization) to the non-
RUNG SUBMERSIBLE structural elements...are still eligible for ASCENT
points." Would resting on the barrier be considered support/stabilization, and would it count as a level 2 hang?
Table 10-2 in section 10.5.3 requires the ROBOT to be fully supported by the HIGH and/or LOW RUNGS at the end of the MATCH for a LEVEL 2 ASCENT. The intent of the use of "fully support" is specified in the orange box following the table.
A ROBOT resting on the BARRIER at the end of the MATCH period invalidates a LEVEL 2 ASCENT.
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answered Jan 2nd 25
Q269 Normal Robot Actions Causing Sample Descoring (G412)
We interpret rule G412(B) as meaning ROBOTS may not cause the removal of SAMPLES from opposing ALLIANCE BASKETS in any way. A red ALLIANCE ROBOT could reasonably run into the field wall with a small amount of force during normal gameplay. This could potentially descore a SAMPLE from an overflowing blue BASKET, triggering G412 despite the red ROBOT not being close to the blue NET ZONE. Is this interpretation correct?
This is a correct interpretation of the rule, and would be a violation of rule !G412 B.
Asked by
answered Jan 2nd 25
Q271 Custom Circuit for ESD Protection
The answer to Q195 references the ability to add custom circuits to I2C, Digital, or Analog ports. Can this be interpreted to mean that an external ESD protection circuit inline with a sensor on an I2C port is allowable?
That is a correct interpretation, assuming all other rules are followed (especially !R203, !R611, !R613, !R619, !R702, and so on).
Asked by
answered Jan 7th 25
Q272 Repair of Expansion/Control Hubs
In R712, "repair" is allowed on the robot controller device, with restrictions on removing the enclosures. Manufacturer support notwithstanding, Q1: can a control/expansion hub be used if its enclosure is opened, no modifications made, and then closed again? Q2: Can a component within a control/expansion hub (e.g an ESD diode) be replaced with one of identical performance and the cover replaced?
A1: !R712 does not restrict temporarily removing a device enclosure for inspection.
A2: !R712 part I does permit the repair of listed devices to a state functionally identical to the original device condition, as long as the action can be done safely (for example removing a battery cell from its enclosure is inherently unsafe and should only be performed by a qualified repair technician).
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answered Jan 7th 25
Q273 Custom coil cables
Re Rule R616: We've seen several teams make custom cables for servos/sensors at the ends of long extensions. If we have a 22 AWG 13-wire coil cable, and crimp on our own servo and sensor connectors, 3 servos, 1 sensor, the colors don't necessarily line up with the rule because each of the 13 wires is a different color. Is this fine as long as we show the COTS product documentation and our notes for how we separated the wires for each connector pinout at inspection?
!R616 must be followed for all team-added wires. Colored electrical tape or other forms of color-coding can be used to supplement the insulation color coding on the wires if necessary, so long as it's unambiguously clear to inspectors by looking at the wire colors.
Asked by
answered Jan 7th 25
Q275 OBSERVATION ZONE used as a "pitstop".
A scoring element is stuck within a ROBOT. The robot navigates to the OBSERVATION ZONE. The HUMAN PLAYER retrieves the stuck scoring element from the ROBOT. Both HUMAN PLAYER and ROBOT are in the OBSERVATION ZONE for less than three seconds. It is unclear if HUMAN PLAYER makes contact with the ROBOT. Q1: What are the FOULS in this scenario? Q2: Are there any additional consequences for an intentional FOUL? Q3: What are the consequences for repeated use of the OBSERVATION ZONE as a pitstop?
A1: Once the HUMAN PLAYER retrieves the stuck item, they are in violation of !G431 d. or !G432 (MINOR FOUL, YELLOW CARD if the HUMAN PLAYER contacts the ROBOT).
A2 and A3: There may be additional consequences for an intentional FOUL (for example, rule !G211) that would be assessed by the HEAD REFEREE.
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answered Jan 7th 25
Q277 Can we install fuse between servo power module and battery?
Can we install fuse (<20A) between servo power module and battery? We read the manual, can't find any rule against it. R615 seems indicating we can use own fuse.
Yes, there are no rules that prohibit adding resettable (with circuit breakers) or non-resettable (with fuses) circuit protections to the ROBOT. These circuit protections just cannot circumvent or replace battery fuses required by !R601.
Asked by
answered Jan 14th 25
Q278 More Than One Robot
May an FTC team utilize two different robots during an event, possibly switching them between matches?
No, this would violate !G208.
Asked by
answered Jan 14th 25
Q279 Human player before auto
Is the human player allowed to rearrange the samples and clips in their supply before the start of auto?
We believe !Q158 answers your question. If it does not, please rephrase your question and resubmit.
Asked by
answered Jan 14th 25